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Last active September 11, 2023 15:44
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  • Save jdart/9808afa8ef5a5b38c5f85fd02441ee0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jdart/9808afa8ef5a5b38c5f85fd02441ee0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// This will put a csv version of an aliexpress cart into your clipboard (to be pasted and saved manually).
// Run this from chrome dev tools - you might need to tweak some of the search replaces for your currency
copy(['url, name, sku, qty, price, shipping', ...$$('.cart-product').map((cp) => [
$$('a', cp)[0].href,
$$('.cart-product-name', cp)[0].innerText.replace(',', '-'),
$$('.cart-product-sku', cp)[0]?.innerText || '',
$$('input.comet-input-number-input', cp)[0].value,
$$('.cart-product-price', cp)[0].innerText.replace('C$', ''),
$$('.cart-product-ship', cp).at(-1).innerText.replace('+ Shipping:C$', '').replace('Free shipping', '0'),
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