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Homework #4 for Computer Science 331 - Theory of Computing
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\chead{\hmwkClass\ (\hmwkClassInstructor\ \hmwkClassTime): \hmwkTitle}
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\newenvironment{homeworkProblem}[1][Problem \arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}]{
\enterProblemHeader{\homeworkProblemName\ [\homeworkSectionName]}
\newcommand{\hmwkTitle}{Homework\ \#4}
\newcommand{\hmwkDueDate}{February 28, 2013 at 11:59pm}
\newcommand{\hmwkClassInstructor}{Professor Zhang}
\newcommand{\hmwkAuthorName}{Josh Davis}
\textmd{\textbf{\hmwkClass:\ \hmwkTitle}}\\
\normalsize\vspace{0.1in}\small{Due\ on\ \hmwkDueDate}\\
\vspace{0.1in}\large{\textit{\hmwkClassInstructor\ \hmwkClassTime}}
Find a CFG to describe \(L\).
The CFG, \(G\), that describes \(L\) is below:
G = (V, \Sigma, R, S)
such that
G = (\{A, B\}, \{a, b, c\}, R, A)
R: &
& A \rightarrow aAc | B | \epsilon
& B \rightarrow bB | \epsilon
The push down automata that represents \(G\) is as follows:
\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,auto]
\node[state, initial, accepting] (q_0) {$q_0$};
\node[state] (q_1) [right=of q_0] {$q_1$};
\node[state] (q_2) [below right=of q_1] {$q_2$};
\node[state] (q_3) [below left=of q_2] {$q_3$};
\node[state, accepting] (q_4) [left=of q_3] {$q_4$};
edge node {$\epsilon, \epsilon \rightarrow \$ $} (q_1)
edge [loop right] node {$a, a \rightarrow \epsilon $} (q_1)
edge node [left] {$c, a \rightarrow \epsilon $} (q_3)
edge node {$ b, \epsilon \rightarrow \epsilon $} (q_2)
edge [loop right] node {$b, \epsilon \rightarrow \epsilon $} (q_2)
edge node {$ c, a \rightarrow \epsilon $} (q_3)
edge [loop right] node {$c, a \rightarrow \epsilon $} (q_2)
edge node {$\epsilon, \$ \rightarrow \epsilon $} (q_4)
\caption{PDA, \(A\)}
\textbf{Part A}
Prove that if \(L\) is context-free and \(L'\) is a regular languagte, then
\(L \cap L'\) is context-free too.
If \(L\) is a context-free language, and \(L'\) is a regular language, then
let \(M\) and \(N\) be the finite automata and push down automata that
accept both languages respectively.
We can construct a new push down automata, \(O\) such that \(M\) and
\(N\) both receive the input and the new machine accepts a word only if
both \(M\) and \(N\) accept it. This is possible because a finite
automata doesn't use a stack which means one stack is sufficient for
the complete push down automata. This concludes the proof.
\textbf{Part B}
Let \(\Sigma = \{a, b, c\}\) and
L = \{ w \in \Sigma^* : w \mbox{ contains equal number of a's, b's, and c's} \}
Prove that \(L\) is not a context-free language.
Suppose \(L\) is context-free. Let \(L' = \{a^* b^* c^*\}\), a regular language.
Then according to what we proved in the first part, \(L \cap L'\) is
context-free. This is a contradiction because the language \(\{a^n b^n
c^n\}\) is not context-free thus violating our previous proof. We have
arrived at a contradiction therefore our proof is complete.
Prove that right linear grammars recognize exactly the class of regular languages.
This proof will consist of two parts. First proving that any regular
language can be described by a RLG, and that any language described by
an RLG is regular.
\textbf{Part One}
Proving that any regular language can be described by an RLG.
Let \(G = \langle V, \Sigma, R, S \rangle\), a right linear grammar. We can construct a
NFA, \(A = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q, F)\) as follows:
\item \(Q = \{v : \mbox{ for every } v \in V\}\)
\item The alphabet is the same, \(\Sigma = \Sigma\)
\item The start state is the start variable, \(q = S\)
\item Since a grammar is complete once all variables are removed, we can add a new
final state for this, \(F = V_{final}\)
\item For every rule, there is a transition from the variable state, \(S\) to the next
variable state, \(T\). Since it is a right linear grammar, for every rule there exists a
rule such that \(S \rightarrow wT\), where \(w \in \Sigma^*\). Therefore we can represent the transition from one
variable state to the next as a string of states such that there is a state for every
terminal character in the rule. For example, the rule \(S \rightarrow abT\) would be represented
as follows:
\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,auto]
\node[state] (S) {$S$};
\node[state] (a) [right=of S] {$aS$};
\node[state] (T) [right=of a] {$T$};
edge node {$a$} (a)
edge node {$b$} (T);
This shows that our right linear grammar, \(G\) can be made into an automata, \(A\).
\textbf{Part Two}
Proving that any language described by an RLG is regular.
Let \(A = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q, F)\), a finite automata. We can construct a right
linear grammar similar to how we constructed an NFA above. We will construct a
RLG, \(G = \langle V, \Sigma, R, S \rangle\) as follows:
\item \(V = \{q : \mbox{ for every } q \in Q\}\)
\item The alphabet is the same, \(\Sigma = \Sigma\)
\item The start variable becomes the start state, \(S = q\)
\item For every transition, \(\delta(q, a) = q_1\) where \(q_1 \in Q\), we can create a rule for it such that
\(R\) would be defined as follows:
R: &
& q \rightarrow aq_1
This shows that any finite automata can be made into a right linear grammar.
Since both sides have been proven, the proof is complete and RLGs
recognize exactly the class of regular languages.
Use pumping lemma to show that the following language is not context-free:
L = \{a^i b^j c^k : i, j, k \geq 0 \mbox{ and } i > j \mbox{ and } j > k \}
We let \(w = a^{p + 2} b^{p + 1} c^{p}\) where \(p\) is the pumping length.
We then split up \(w\) so that \(w = uvxyz\). In doing so, we can break it up into
cases like so:
\item \(vxy\) contains just a's. This will result in a contradiction
because pumping down yields \(a^{0} a^{p - 2} a^{0} = \epsilon a^p \epsilon\) which means \(i \leq j\) and
thus \(w \notin L\).
\item \(vxy\) contains just b's. This will result in a contradiction
because pumping down yields \(b^{0} b^{p - 2} b^{0} = \epsilon b^p \epsilon\) which means \(j \leq k\) and
thus \(w \notin L\).
\item \(vxy\) contains just c's. This will result in a contradiction
because pumping up will eventually give us \(k > j\)
thus \(w \notin L\).
\item \(vxy\) is the split between a's and b's.
This can be divided into four more cases:
\item \(vxy = aab\), pumping down will lower the number of b's to be the same as
the number of c's. Thus \(w \notin L\).
\item \(vxy = abb\), pumping down will lower the number of a's to be the same as
the number of b's. Thus \(w \notin L\).
\item \(vxy = \epsilon ab\), pumping up will increase the number of b's past the
number of a's. Thus \(w \notin L\).
\item \(vxy = ab \epsilon\), pumping down will lower the number of a's to be the
same as the number of b's. Thus \(w \notin L\).
\item \(vxy\) is the split between b's and c's. Regardless of where the subsplit is,
it can be pumped until eventually \(i < j\) or \(i < k\), thus \(w \notin L\).
Now that I have (hopefully) exhausted all possibilities, the proof is complete and the language,
\(L\), is not context-free.
Let \(G = \langle \{S\}, \{a, b\}, R, S \rangle\) be a context-free grammar
with the rules, \(R\) defined as follows:
S \rightarrow aS | aSbS | \epsilon
\textbf{Part One}
Prove that \(G\) is ambiguous.
We can prove that \(G\) is ambiguous if there are two left most derivations
for one string.
Take \(s = aab\), it can be derived twice as follows:
S &= aS = aaSbS = aabS = aab
S &= aSbS = aaSbS = aabS = aab
Thus the context free language, \(G\) is ambiguous.
\textbf{Part Two}
Give unambigous grammar that generates the same language as \(G\).
The new grammar can be defined as follows:
S &\rightarrow aT | T
T &\rightarrow aSbU | S
U &\rightarrow a | b | \epsilon
Using the previous example of \(s = aab\), we can try to derive it multiple times
like so:
S &= aT = aSbU = aTbU = aabU = aab
S &= T = aSbU = ... = \mbox{ no way to get aab}
And there it can't be derived multiple ways. So unless I'm missing
something, I think the homework is finished. YAY!
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