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Last active July 16, 2021 17:10
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Cout like wostream which target's Godot's console
This file implements an output stream linked to Godot's console.
Author: Joshua "Jdbener" Dahl
godot::print << "A simple message" << godot::endl; // All of the manipulators in iomanip should work propperly.
godot::print.warn("Warning message with all of the file/line number information automatically included");
godot::print.error("Error message with all of the file/line number information automatcially included");
NOTE: Messages are synced to Godot when a '\n' or an std::endl is encountered.
The last character sent must be one of these for the things before it
to print.
NOTE: By default, string literals are interpreted as char*s... to use Unicode
symbols make sure to start the literal with an L, ex: L"152 μs."
NOTE: std::flush is not supported since Godot's print function automatically
ends the line, thus std::flush would produce odd results equivalent to std::endl.
Use std::endl instead. (std::flush won't cause errors, it just does nothing impactful)
License: You are welcome to use this however you would like! No warranty and no credit needed.
#ifndef __GSTREAM_H__
#define __GSTREAM_H__
#include "Godot.hpp"
#include <sstream>
// Define how Godot Strings get processed by wostreams
inline std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& stream, const godot::String& string){
stream << string.unicode_str();
return stream;
// By defining an rvalue function as well, any datatype with a String() opperator
// is now supported by any wostream
inline std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& stream, const godot::String&& string){
return stream << string;
namespace godot {
using std::endl;
// Function which converts anything with << overloaded for wostreams, into a Godot String
template<class T>
godot::String to_string(const T& t) {
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << t;
return godot::String(ss.str().c_str());
// Original class code from:
class godot_streambuf: public std::wstreambuf {
// Buffer which is used to store characters before sending them to Godot
std::wstring buffer;
// Function which constucts an instance of the stream buffer
static godot_streambuf* get_singleton(){
static godot_streambuf gdbuf = godot_streambuf();
return &gdbuf;
// Function which processes the characters in the stream as they arrive.
void storeCharacter(const int_type character){
// If the character is a newline: send the buffer to Godot, then clear the buffer
if(character == '\n'){
godot::String toPrint = buffer.c_str();
if(toPrint.length() == 0)
toPrint = wchar_t(' '); // Print a space to ensure extra newlines happen
// Otherwise add the character to the buffer
} else
buffer += wchar_t(character);
// Functions which direct characters to storeCharacter()
std::streamsize xsputn(const char_type* string, std::streamsize count) override {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
return count; // returns the number of characters successfully written.
int_type overflow(int_type character) override {
return 1;
// Wrapper class including warn and error functions
class gostream: public std::wostream{
gostream() : std::wostream(godot_streambuf::get_singleton()) {}
void warn(const String description, const String function, const String file, int line){
Godot::print_warning(description, function, file, line);
void error(const String description, const String function, const String file, int line){
Godot::print_error(description, function, file, line);
// Implementaion of the streambuffer
static gostream print;
// Macros add in warning and error infromation automatically
#ifdef __FUNCTION__
#define warn(description) warn(description, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define error(description) error(description, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define warn(description) warn(description, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define error(description) error(description, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#endif // __GSTREAM_H__
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