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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save jdbrice/147f78bbaa876247f600 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jdbrice/147f78bbaa876247f600 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
STAR related code index for quick finding
var jdbrice_codex =
"name": "TOF Calibration ntupler",
"value": "/star/institutions/rice/jdb/calib/",
"owner": "daniel"
"name": "Run14 AuAu15 reference multiplicity determination and systematic uncertainties study",
"value": "/star/u/jdb/work/Glauber/",
"owner": "daniel"
"name": "TOF Geometry Alignment",
"value": "local:///Users/danielbrandenburg/bnl/local/work/calib/tofGeomAlign/"
"name": "VPD Slewing corrections",
"value": "local:///Users/danielbrandenburg/bnl/local/work/vpdCalibration/"
console.log( "Loaded jdbrice codex" );
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