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Created April 19, 2021 13:53
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Export the STAR Magnetic field
static const Int_t nrp = 200; // number of R nodes in the map
static const Int_t nzp = 800; // number of Z nodes in the map
static const Float_t zm = 800.0; // map max length
static const Float_t rm = 400.0; // map max radius
static const Int_t nphi = 36;
void Agufld(const Char_t *field = "FieldOn") {
// if ( gClassTable->GetID("TGiant3") >= 0) { // root4star
// gROOT->LoadMacro("bfc.C");
// bfc(-1,"MagF,nodefault",0);
// } else {
// }
if (gClassTable->GetID("StarMagField") < 0) {
#if 1
// TString Chain("MagF,mysql,y2011,nodefault,");
TString Chain("MagF,mysql,sdt20190211,nodefault,");
Chain += field;
if (! gROOT->GetClass("StarMagField")) {
new StarMagField();
Float_t X[3];
Float_t B[3];
Float_t Brpz[3];
// TString Mag(gSystem->Getenv("STAR_VERSION"));
TString Mag(field);
Mag += ".root";
TFile *F = new TFile(Mag,"RECREATE");
TH3D* fieldZ = new TH3D("fieldZ","B_{Z};#rho;#phi;z",nrp, 0, rm, nphi, 0., 360., nzp, -zm, zm);
TH3D* fieldR = new TH3D("fieldR","B_{R};#rho;#phi;z",nrp, 0, rm, nphi, 0., 360., nzp, -zm, zm);
TH3D* fieldP = new TH3D("fieldP","B_{#phi};#rho;#phi;z",nrp, 0, rm, nphi, 0., 360., nzp, -zm, zm);
Float_t dz = 2*zm/nzp;
Float_t dr = rm/nrp;
Float_t dphi = 360./nphi;
TBenchmark *bench = new TBenchmark();
for (Float_t phi = dphi/2; phi < 360; phi += dphi ) {
Double_t cx = TMath::Cos(TMath::DegToRad()*phi);
Double_t cy = TMath::Sin(TMath::DegToRad()*phi);
for (Float_t r = dr/2; r < rm; r += dr ) {
Float_t x = r*cx;
Float_t y = r*cy;
for (Float_t z = -zm + dz/2; z < zm; z += dz) {
X[0] = x;
X[1] = y;
X[2] = z;
#if 0
Brpz[0] = B[0]*cx + B[1]*cy;
Brpz[1] = -B[0]*cy + B[1]*cx;
Brpz[2] = B[2];
// delete F;
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