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Created March 20, 2017 13:47
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Contributing to Faker

  • Why: I've used Faker on just about every project since I was told about it. It makes creating seed information and testing information so much simpler.

  • What: I want to create a How I Met Your Mother themed extension for Faker. It blends my love of technology with my love of the show. It'll be Legen...wait for it... dary!

  • I Need: I need to look into the standard of code that they expect and the conventions that they use for their code. I also need to push myself in both refactoring and testing.

  • When I'm Done: My hope is that it will be accepted and merged.

Contributing to Slack-Ruby-Client

  • Why: It allows me to work on my debugging skills on a professional level.

  • What: There is a possible bug in their with client.auth_test.

  • I Need: To familiarize myself with their code bas and conventions so that I can run through their code to find the potential bugs

  • When I'm Done: Hopefully I find and fix this bug and the PR will be accepted, also hopefully it will really challenge me to work on my debugging skills.

Contributing to Faker

  • Why: It'll force me to be very specific about what goes into a README as this is one that many people will be reading.

  • What: There is an issue open for updating their WIKI and cleaning up their README.

  • I Need: To read over both their README and their WIKI and consolidate information on them to ensure that the issues that really need to be addressed aren't being burried by a bunch of other inforamtion.

  • When I'm Done: I hope to have a better idea of what a professional README me should look like and what should be in it.

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