With this, I add myself as a RO Candidate to SOCVR.
I have been around SOCVR for approximately 1 year and gained some experience on the dynamics of the room. I'm also one of the core developers of Queen and with that a founding father of the SOCVFinder chat room, now renamed to SOBotics since multiple others bots are joining in to be trained by people in room.
How do I see SOCVR?
To me SOCVR is an overall moderation room (not just CVR) and probably should endorse even more other moderating activities as editing posts, NATO etc.
In chat room people need to have fun (no one is paid) but the fun should not be on the expense of others. I have taken on a personal battle on SO to fight the "snarky" comments on posts, since I see no added value and despise when “Strong” hits “Weak”.
I think "be nice" and "treat people with respect" is the key word on all interaction on SO and to me RO's main task in SOCVR is to use this concept to correct behavior of other users.
My only reservation to my RO nomination is that if you are only considering 1 more RO, I personally think that Kyll is guy this time.
With regards to having fun in chat: