This guide is for those who dares to install Windows 10 on old or slow netbooks (low end memory of e.g. 1GB OR 2GB of RAM).
Though the Windows 7/8 -> 10 upgrade program is over (officially, but it still works), you still may use old Windows product keys from license stickers to install Windows 10 on old machines.
If you want an easier automated way to speed up Windows and disable some unnecessary things, use an app like Privatezilla is the simplest way to perform a quick privacy and security check of your Windows 10 copy.
Win ⊞ + R
-- Press and hold "Windows" key, then press key R, then relese both keys.Search "FooBar"
-- Click searching glass icon in taskbar OR click Windows Start icon and start typing FooBar. You don't need to type all the phrase, only the beginning.
Windows 10 Performance Checklist:
- Reset Windows (Advanced)
- Remove Unnecessary Apps/Crapware/Bloatware
- Clean System from Viruses/Malware/Adware, etc.
- Remove Some Apps from Autorun
- Leave Enough Free Space on Your Drives for Windows 10
- Tweak Visual Effects
- Turn Off System Protection on Disks
- Opt Out from Privacy Options/Telemetry
- Turn Off Store Updates
- Turn Off Windows Components
- Tweak Windows Services (Advanced)
- Tweak Your Browser
- Defragment Your HDDs
- Unplug or Turn Off Unnecessary Devices
- Tweak Power Options (Doubtful)
- Tweak BIOS/UEFI (Advanced)
- Optionally
If Nothing Helps:
- Check HDD, FileSystem and Windows Files for Errors (Advanced)
- Install Other OS or Upgrade the Hardware
This involves wiping everything i.e. full data loss.
If you don't mind uninstalling all your programs, then move all your precious data to other partition than C:
Then you may reset Windows to the "just installed" state via: Search "Recovery options" > Reset this PC > Remove Everything > Only the drive where windows is installed
After re-install you will have to reconfigure Windows and install all necessary programs like word editor/file archivator.
Read more:
- New way:
Search "Apps & features"
orSettings > Apps & features
> Click an app > Uninstall
- Old way:
Win + R > appwiz.cpl
- Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (advanced)
You may use these programs:
- Free Anti-adware Scanners (Not Antiviurses):
- Free Antiviruses: Tip: Have only one antivirus installed and running at a time
- Avira
- Avast
- Weak but fast Windows Defender +
Settings > Devices > AutoPlay > OFF "Use AutoPlay..."
- Others:
AV Settings: Newer versions of Antivirus have extra memory hungry processes, e.g. you can turn off Avast's behaviour shield to tradeoff some ram.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc > More details > Startup > Right click > Disable
- Additionaly you may use Autoruns tool by SysInternals
Subjectivly I think 10GB is enough for Winfows 10 to function properly. PC Advisor recommends to keep 10% of each volume free.
You may free up disk space by running these tools:
Search "Disk Cleanup" > Right Click > Run as administrator
orWin + R > cleanmgr
Settings ->
Storage Settings
Search "advanced system settings" > Performance Settings > Adjust for best performance
Settings > Personalization > Colors
> OFF "Make Start, taskbar... transparent"
and OFF others of your choiceSettings > Ease of Access > Display
(orOther options
> OFF "Play animation" or "Show animations in Windows"
andOFF "Show (desktop) background (image)"
Settings > Personalization > Start
> Show more tiles OFF, Occasionaly show suggestions OFF
- Unpin all tiles from Start Menu, and shrink it.
Settings > Personalization > Lock screen
> Show lock screen background picture... > OFF
Settings > Personalization > Lock screen
> Background = Picture
Settings > Personalization > Lock screen
> Get fun facts, tips, tricks > OFF
(after previous point)
Settings > System > Notifications & actions
> Get tips, tricks, and suggestions OFF, Get notifications from apps OFF
System protection feature tells Windows to record changes made during software installations for purpose of rolling back when system fails to operate. If you feel brave, you may turn it off:
Search "advanced system settings" > Choose disk > Configure > Disable
Settings > Privacy >
> OFF "Send Microsoft info about how I write..."
and OFF others of your choiceSpeech, inking and typing
> Stop getting to know me
> Change > OFF
if you don't need location trackingBackground apps
> OFF all except "Settings"
Feedback and diagnostics
> Windows should ask for my feedback: NEVER, Send your device data to MS: BASIC
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection\ AllowTelemetry: 0
- In PowerShell:
stop-service diagtrack set-service diagtrack -startuptype disabled
- Open
Microsoft Store > user icon > Settings
> Update apps automatically > OFF
Microsoft Store > user icon > Settings
> Show products on tile > OFF
Win + R > regedit
:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore Create a new 32-bit DWORD value named
and set it to2
;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent Create a new 32-bit DWORD value named
and set it to1
- Restart Windows 10.
Create new folder (key) in regedit:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search
New > DWORD (32-bitAllowCortana
. Double-click it and set the value to0
. -
Settings > System > Notifications & actions
> Show me tips about Windows > OFF
Win + R > appwiz.cpl > Turn Windows feartures on or off
(advanced)- or
Settings -> Apps -> Optional Features
- or
Settings > Apps > Offline maps
> Automatically update maps > OFF
Settings -> Gaming -> Xbox Game Bar
-> OFF
Open services by Win + R > services.msc
. There you may change some services from automatic startup to manual (when needed) or turn off services completely. If you turn off some important services your system may become unfunctional. You may get some insight from Black Viper manual.
I usually set as manual services (but don't trust me: I have little experience): Themes, IP Helper (I don't use IPv6), TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (I don't use local network), Fax, Print Spooler (I don't use printers/fax).
Remove unnecessary browser extensions and apps, disable unused features (in Chrome)
Install fast adblocker (uBlock Origin for Chrome, Opera and Brave have built in adblcokers [enable in settings])
- Tune your adblocker to rip off large media, socials, etc. (advanced,
uBlock Settings > Default behavior
) - Disable HTML5 media content (for nerds, e.g. if you feel uBlock is not enough, block requests of type "Other" in uMatrix)
- Tune your adblocker to rip off large media, socials, etc. (advanced,
Disable autorun for plugins (like Flash)(doesn't work anymore?) -
Install Empty New Tab Page or my own ABSOLUTELY Blank New Tab Page.
Search "Defragment and Optimize Drives"
You may read more about defragmentation on the internets.
Win + R > ncpa.cpl
ORSettings -> Network & Internet -> Status
-> Change adapter options
- `Right click on unused network interface > Disable``
I doubt this option, but some resources mention it:
"Power Options"
> Show additional plans > High performance
In BIOS you may:
- Enable virtualization and other CPU facilities.
- Turn off power saving.
- Remove DVD from booting devices.
- Disable devices that are not used or broken (e.g. NIC, floppy).
Antivirus may be an excess for a slow PC, better to use standard MS defender.
In this case you'd better turn off AutoPlay on external drives:
Settings > Devices > AutoPlay > Use AutoPlay for all media and devices > OFF
If your HDD is old it may slow down the whole system, however it may be checked and healed.
- Find HDD diagnosic tool (with SMART feature) and check drive's health, e.g. MHDD is an old tool for advanced users.
- Remap bad or slow HDD sectors, e.g. Low Level Format Tool remaps slow sectors while deleting all data.
- Fix filesystem errors, e.g. with
Win + R > cmd.exe > CHKDSK C: /F
- Fix corruped Windows files:
Win + R > cmd.exe > sfc /scannow
You may install Windows 7, lightweight Linux (e.g. Lubuntu, LXLE, Linux Mint: Xfce Edition), CloudReady or Android for PC (not stable yet, RemixOS, PhoenixOS, Android-x86). Or you may add more RAM, switch to SSD, upgrade other hardware or buy a new notebook. An SSD instead of HDD, as well as more RAM, makes the biggest difference to performance.
- PC Advisor: How to speed up Windows 10
- Make Use Of: How to Speed Up Windows 10 From Boot to Shut Down
- CNET: 6 easy ways to speed up Windows 10
- Softpedia: Three Ways to Make the Windows 10 Start Menu a Lot Faster
- IT PRO: How to speed up Windows 10
- PC World: How to make Windows 10 faster: 5 ways to speed up your PC
I'm not responsible for any data loss or damage to your device caused by following instructions in this article.
UPD Oct 2020 Links updated, and made some clickable links to specific Settings to get to the setting faster while viewing this page.
UPD Jan 2019
This article is quite old, some instructions may be obsolete.