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Created September 11, 2014 20:52
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Path smoothing script for GPX files
import math
import numpy
import sys, os
from lxml import etree
Re = 6371000 # Earth radius in meters
# Extract the latitute and longitude as a tuple in radians from a <trkpt> element
def extract(trkpt) :
return (math.pi / 180 * float(trkpt.attrib['lat']), math.pi / 180 * float(trkpt.attrib['lon']))
# Compute the great circle distance between two points given in polar
# coordinates and radians. The return value is in the same units as
# Re is defined.
def dist(p0, p1) :
a = math.sin((p1[0] - p0[0])/2)**2 + math.cos(p0[0]) * math.cos(p1[0]) * math.sin((p1[1] - p0[1])/2)**2
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
return Re * c
# Convert from polar to cartesian coordinates, radians to units of Re
def polcar(polarpt) :
lat,lon = polarpt
# Quick sanity check
assert lat > -2*math.pi and lat < 2*math.pi
assert lon > -2*math.pi and lon < 2*math.pi
xyz = (math.cos(lat) * math.cos(lon), math.cos(lat) * math.sin(lon), math.sin(lat))
return Re * numpy.array(xyz)
# Convert from cartesian to polar coordinates, radians to units of Re
def carpol(xyz) :
R = numpy.linalg.norm(xyz)
# Quick sanity check
assert (R-Re)*1.0/Re < 1e-14
lat = math.asin([0,0,1]), xyz) / R)
xy = xyz.copy()
xy[2] = 0
xy /= numpy.linalg.norm(xy)
lon = math.atan2(xy[1], xy[0])
return numpy.array( (lat,lon) )
# Given a pair of polar coordinates and a third, find the shortest great circle
# distance from the third point to the great circle arc segment connecting
# the first two.
def greatcircle_point_distance(pair, third) :
# Convert to cartesian coordinates for the vector math
cpair = tuple( map(lambda pt: polcar(numpy.array(pt)), pair) )
cthird = polcar(numpy.array(third))
# Project 'third' onto the great circle arc joining 'pair' along the
# vector that is normal to the chord between 'pair'
normal = numpy.cross(*cpair)
normal /= numpy.linalg.norm(normal)
intersect = cthird - normal *, cthird)
intersect *= Re / numpy.linalg.norm(intersect)
# Great circle distance from 'third' to its projection
d = dist(third, carpol(intersect))
# If the projection of 'third' is not between the shorter arc
# connecting 'pair', we instead want the gc distance from 'third'
# to the nearest of the two.
d0 =, cpair[0])
d1 =, cpair[1])
c =, cpair[0]), numpy.cross(intersect, cpair[1]))
if c < 0 and ((d0 >= 0 and d1 >= 0) or (d0 < 0 and d1 < 0)) :
return d
else :
return min((dist(third, pair[0]), dist(third, pair[1])))
# Examine a segment of gpx track and set 'keep' attributes on points
# as needed to stay within maxdistance and maxinterval.
# Given two kept trackpoints with no other kept points between them, the
# distance between the arc connecting these two points and any other
# trackpoints between them must be less than 'maxdistance'.
# Given two kept trackpoints, the distance between them should not be
# significantly greater than 'maxinterval'.
def process(seg, maxdistance = 5, maxinterval = 10) :
bnds = (extract(seg[0]), extract(seg[-1]))
# Find the point between this segment's endpoints that lies furthest
# from the great circle arc between these endpoints
idx,maxd = None,None
for n in range(1, len(seg) - 1) :
this = extract(seg[n])
d = greatcircle_point_distance(bnds, this)
if maxd is None or d > maxd :
maxd = d
idx = n
if maxd > maxdistance :
# Keep this point if it is at least 'maxdistance' from the
# connecting arc, and run 'process' on the two subsegments
seg[idx].attrib['keep'] = 'True'
process(seg[:idx], maxdistance, maxinterval)
process(seg[idx:], maxdistance, maxinterval)
elif maxinterval > 0 :
# This segment is good enough in terms of direction of travel.
# A maximum distance between points may also be desired, however,
# so loop through all remaining discarded points and add as needed.
prev = bnds[0]
fin = bnds[1]
for pt in seg :
this = extract(pt)
if dist(prev, this) > maxinterval and dist(fin, this) > maxinterval :
# Note that this does not satisfy the 'maxinterval' limit,
# but instead takes the next point just further than the
# given limit.
# FIXME might be better to take the previous point, to make
# the limit a guaranteed one.
pt.attrib['keep'] = 'True'
prev = this
return seg
if __name__ == "__main__" :
if len(sys.argv) < 4 :
print "Usage: %s <gpx file> <maximum distance> <maximum interval>"%sys.argv[0]
file = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])
assert file[1] == '.gpx' or file[1] == ''
maxdistance = int(sys.argv[2])
maxinterval = int(sys.argv[3])
with open(file[0] + '.gpx', 'r') as fh :
root = etree.parse(fh).getroot()
NS = "{" + root.nsmap[None] + "}"
# <gpx> contains a <trk> element, which contains a <trkseg> element
# FIXME rewrite this to iterate over tracks and segments
trkseg = root.find(NS + "trk").find(NS + "trkseg")
# Add a 'keep' attribute to each <trkpt> element in the <trkseg>
# Also remove elevation data
print "Note: this script will also strip elevation data, assuming it to be inaccurate"
for pt in trkseg :
pt.attrib['keep'] = "False"
for e in pt.iter(NS + "ele") :
# We assume we need the first and last point
# TODO make this configurable, to allow processing of only
# part of a track
trkseg[0].attrib['keep'] = 'True'
trkseg[-1].attrib['keep'] = 'True'
process(trkseg, maxdistance, maxinterval)
# Remove the unneeded trackpoints based on the 'keep' attribute
m = len(trkseg)
kill = filter(lambda pt: pt.attrib['keep'] == 'False', trkseg)
for n in range(0, len(kill)) :
n = len(trkseg)
print "%d -> %d"%(m,n)
# Remove the 'keep' attribute
for n in range(0, len(trkseg)) :
# Write out the modified GPX file
fh = open(file[0] + '_mod.gpx', 'w')
xml = fh.write(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True))
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Hi Jan-willem, thanks for your excellent This failed under Python 3.8.9, so I fixed it :-) and forked it. Best wishes, Toby

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