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Created February 18, 2011 19:38
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object Util {
def BenchmarkCycles = 100000000
def time[Z](label: String)(f: => Z): Z = {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val result = f
val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis
println("Time for " + label + ": " + ((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0))
import Util._
object MaybeFunctions {
sealed trait Maybe[+T] {
def fold[Z](just: T => Z, nothing: => Z): Z
def filter(f: T => Boolean): Maybe[T] = fold[Maybe[T]](
just = t => if (f(t)) Just(t) else Zilch,
nothing = Zilch
def map[TT](f: T => TT): Maybe[TT] = fold(
just = t => Just(f(t)),
nothing = Zilch
def flatMap[TT](f: T => Maybe[TT]): Maybe[TT] = fold(
just = t => f(t),
nothing = Zilch
def Just[T](t: T): Maybe[T] = new Maybe[T] {
def fold[Z](just: T => Z, nothing: => Z) = just(t)
lazy val Zilch: Maybe[Nothing] = new Maybe[Nothing] {
def fold[Z](just: Nothing => Z, nothing: => Z) = nothing
def benchmark = {
time("functions") {
var i = 0
var maybe: Maybe[Int] = Just(4)
while (i < BenchmarkCycles) {
maybe = * 3).flatMap(j => Just(j * 2))
i = i + 1
object MaybeData {
sealed trait Maybe[+T] {
def filter(f: T => Boolean): Maybe[T] = this match {
case Just(t) if (f(t)) => Just(t)
case _ => Zilch
def map[TT](f: T => TT): Maybe[TT] = this match {
case Zilch => Zilch
case Just(t) => Just(f(t))
def flatMap[TT](f: T => Maybe[TT]): Maybe[TT] = this match {
case Zilch => Zilch
case Just(t) => f(t)
case class Just[T](t: T) extends Maybe[T]
case object Zilch extends Maybe[Nothing]
def benchmark = {
time("data") {
var i = 0
var maybe: Maybe[Int] = Just(4)
while (i < BenchmarkCycles) {
maybe = * 3).flatMap(j => Just(j * 2))
i = i + 1
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