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Created April 24, 2020 16:58
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ZIO DynamoDB
package zio.dynamodb
import zio.{ Chunk, Task, ZLayer }
import zio.blocking.Blocking
final case class PrimaryKey(value: Map[String, AttributeValue])
final case class TableName(value: String)
sealed trait ConsistencyMode
object ConsistencyMode {
case object Strong extends ConsistencyMode
case object Weak extends ConsistencyMode
sealed trait AttributeValue
object AttributeValue {
import Predef.{ String => ScalaString, Map => ScalaMap }
final case class Binary(value: Chunk[Byte]) extends AttributeValue
final case class Bool(value: Boolean) extends AttributeValue
final case class BinarySet(value: Chunk[Chunk[Byte]]) extends AttributeValue
final case class List(value: Chunk[AttributeValue]) extends AttributeValue
final case class Map(value: ScalaMap[String, AttributeValue]) extends AttributeValue
final case class Number(value: BigDecimal) extends AttributeValue
final case class NumberSet(value: Set[BigDecimal]) extends AttributeValue
object Null extends AttributeValue
final case class String(value: ScalaString) extends AttributeValue
final case class StringSet(value: Set[ScalaString]) extends AttributeValue
// The maximum depth for a document path is 32
sealed trait ProjectionExpression { self =>
def apply(index: Int): ProjectionExpression = ProjectionExpression.ListElement(self, index)
def apply(key: String): ProjectionExpression = ProjectionExpression.MapElement(self, key)
object ProjectionExpression {
def apply(name: String): ProjectionExpression = TopLevel(name)
final case class TopLevel(name: String) extends ProjectionExpression
final case class MapElement(parent: ProjectionExpression, key: String) extends ProjectionExpression
final case class ListElement(parent: ProjectionExpression, index: Int) extends ProjectionExpression
sealed trait ReturnConsumedCapacity
object ReturnConsumedCapacity {
case object Indexes extends ReturnConsumedCapacity
case object Total extends ReturnConsumedCapacity
case object None extends ReturnConsumedCapacity
sealed trait DynamoDBQuery[+A] { self =>
final def <*[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[A] = zipLeft(that)
final def *>[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[B] = zipRight(that)
final def <*>[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[(A, B)] = self zip that
final def map[B](f: A => B): DynamoDBQuery[B] = DynamicDBQuery.Map(self, f)
final def zip[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[(A, B)] = DynamicDBQuery.Zip(self, that)
final def zipLeft[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[A] = (self zip that).map(_._1)
final def zipRight[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[B] = (self zip that).map(_._2)
object DynamicDBQuery {
final case class Succeed[A](value: () => A) extends DynamoDBQuery[A]
final case class GetItem(
key: PrimaryKey,
tableName: TableName,
readConsistency: ConsistencyMode,
projections: List[ProjectionExpression],
capacity: ReturnConsumedCapacity
) extends DynamoDBQuery[Chunk[Byte]]
final case class Zip[A, B](left: DynamoDBQuery[A], right: DynamoDBQuery[B]) extends DynamoDBQuery[(A, B)]
final case class Map[A, B](query: DynamoDBQuery[A], mapper: A => B) extends DynamoDBQuery[B]
def apply[A](a: => A): DynamoDBQuery[A] = Succeed(() => a)
trait DynamoDBTable {
def get(
key: PrimaryKey,
readConsistency: ConsistencyMode = ConsistencyMode.Weak,
capacity: ReturnConsumedCapacity = ReturnConsumedCapacity.None
)(ps: ProjectionExpression*): DynamoDBQuery[Chunk[Byte]]
def getAll(
key: PrimaryKey
): DynamoDBQuery[Chunk[Byte]] = get(key)()
trait DynamoDBQueryFunctions {
def getTable(tableName: TableName): DynamoDBTable =
new DynamoDBTable {
def get(
key: PrimaryKey,
readConsistency: ConsistencyMode = ConsistencyMode.Weak,
capacity: ReturnConsumedCapacity = ReturnConsumedCapacity.None
)(projections: ProjectionExpression*): DynamoDBQuery[Chunk[Byte]] =
DynamicDBQuery.GetItem(key, tableName, readConsistency, projections.toList, capacity)
trait DynamoDBExecutor {
def execute[A](query: DynamoDBQuery[A]): Task[A]
object DynamoDBExecutor {
// TODO: Depend on `sttp`
def live(): ZLayer[Blocking, IOException, DynamoDBExecutor] = ???
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