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Created June 25, 2015 21:18
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Halogen Components
module Main where
import Debug.Trace
import Halogen
main = do
trace "Hello sailor!"
module Halogen where
import Control.Monad.State.Trans
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Plus
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Identity
import Data.Void
import Data.Inject
import Data.Functor.Coproduct
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Profunctor.Strong
data HTML p i = HTML p i
foreign import todo :: forall a. a
foreign import data Aff :: # ! -> * -> *
foreign import data HALOGEN :: !
foreign import data HTMLElement :: *
type HalogenEffects eff = (halogen :: HALOGEN | eff)
newtype Component s f g p = Component
{ render :: s -> HTML p (f Unit),
query :: forall i. Free f i -> StateT s g i }
type ComponentPure s f p = forall g. (Monad g) => Component s f g p
type Driver f eff = forall i. f i -> Aff (HalogenEffects eff) i
runComponent :: forall eff s f. (Functor f) =>
Component s f (Aff (HalogenEffects eff)) Void ->
s ->
Aff (HalogenEffects eff) (Tuple HTMLElement (Driver f eff))
runComponent c s = todo
data ChildF p f i = ChildF p (f i)
type ComponentState s f g p = Tuple s (Component s f g p)
type InstalledState s s' f' g p p' =
{ parent :: s,
children :: Map.Map p (ComponentState s' f' g p'),
factory :: p -> ComponentState s' f' g p' }
data QueryT s' f' p p' g s a = QueryT (StateT (InstalledState s s' f' g p p') g a)
-- queries a particular child from the parent:
query :: forall s s' f' p p' g. p -> (forall i. Free f' i -> QueryT s' f' p p' g s (Maybe i))
query p q = todo
-- lifts an effect into the QueryT monad:
effect :: forall s' f' p p' g s a. (Monad g) => g a -> QueryT s' f' p p' g s a
effect ga = todo
-- MonadState for QueryT so parents can manipulate their own state
instance monadStateQueryT :: MonadState s (QueryT s' f' p p' g s) where
state f = todo
instance functorQueryT :: Functor (QueryT s' f' p p' g s) where
(<$>) f fa = todo
instance applyQueryT :: Apply (QueryT s' f' p p' g s) where
(<*>) f fa = todo
instance applicativeQueryT :: Applicative (QueryT s' f' p p' g s) where
pure a = todo
instance bindQueryT :: Bind (QueryT s' f' p p' g s) where
(>>=) fa f = todo
instance monadQueryT :: Monad (QueryT s' f' p p' g s)
instance functorChildF :: (Functor f) => Functor (ChildF p f) where
(<$>) f (ChildF p fi) = ChildF p (f <$> fi)
test = do
state <- get
effect $ doEffect
set state
resp <- query editor getContent
return $ fromMaybe "" resp
installR :: forall s f g pl pr s' f' p'. (Ord pr, Plus g) =>
Component s f (QueryT s' f' pr p' g s) (Either pl pr) -> -- parent
(pr -> Tuple s' (Component s' f' g p')) -> -- factory
Component (InstalledState s s' f' g pl p') (Coproduct f (ChildF pr f')) g (Either pl p')
installR a f = todo
installL :: forall s f g pl pr s' f' p'. (Ord pl, Plus g) =>
Component s f (QueryT s' f' pl p' g s) (Either pl pr) -> -- parent
(pl -> Tuple s' (Component s' f' g p')) -> -- factory
Component (InstalledState s s' f' g pr p') (Coproduct f (ChildF pl f')) g (Either pr p')
installL a f = todo
installAll :: forall s f g p s' f' p'. (Ord p, Plus g) =>
Component s f (QueryT s' f' p p' g s) p -> -- parent
(p -> Tuple s' (Component s' f' g p')) -> -- factory
Component (InstalledState s s' f' g p p') (Coproduct f (ChildF p f')) g p'
installAll a f = todo
-- functor instance allows changing placeholders
instance functorComponent :: Functor (Component s f g) where
(<$>) f fa = todo
module ClickComponent where
import Control.Monad.State.Trans
import Control.Monad.State.Class(modify)
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class
import Data.Inject
import Data.Void
import Data.Identity
import Halogen
data Input a = ClickIncrement a | ClickDecrement a
instance functorMyComponent :: Functor Input where
(<$>) f (ClickIncrement a) = ClickIncrement (f a)
(<$>) f (ClickDecrement a) = ClickDecrement (f a)
clickIncrement :: forall g. (Functor g, Inject Input g) => Free g Unit
clickIncrement = liftF (inj (ClickIncrement unit) :: g Unit)
clickDecrement :: forall g. (Functor g, Inject Input g) => Free g Unit
clickDecrement = liftF (inj (ClickDecrement unit) :: g Unit)
counterComponent :: forall g. (MonadRec g) => Component Number Input g Void
counterComponent = Component { render : render, query : query }
eval :: forall g a. (Monad g) => Input (Free Input a) -> StateT Number g (Free Input a)
eval (ClickIncrement next) = do
modify (+1)
return next
eval (ClickDecrement next) = do
modify (flip (-) 1)
return next
render :: Number -> HTML Void (Input Unit)
render n = todo
query :: forall g i. (MonadRec g) => Free Input i -> StateT Number g i
query = runFreeM eval
test :: Free Input Unit
test = do
module EditorComponent where
import Control.Monad.State.Trans
import Control.Monad.State.Class(modify)
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Control.Monad.Trans(lift)
import Control.Apply((*>))
import Data.Inject
import Data.Void
import Data.Identity
import Halogen
data Input a = GetContent (String -> a) | SetContent a String | GetCursor (Number -> a)
instance functorInput :: Functor Input where
(<$>) = todo
getContent :: forall g. (Functor g, Inject Input g) => Free g String
getContent = liftF (inj (GetContent id) :: g String)
setContent :: forall g. (Functor g, Inject Input g) => String -> Free g Unit
setContent s = liftF (inj (SetContent unit s) :: g Unit)
getCursor :: forall g. (Functor g, Inject Input g) => Free g Number
getCursor = liftF (inj (GetCursor id) :: g Number)
editorComponent :: forall eff. Component Unit Input (Eff (dom :: DOM | eff)) Void
editorComponent = Component { render : render, query : query }
eval :: forall eff a. Input (Free Input a) -> StateT Unit (Eff (dom :: DOM | eff)) (Free Input a)
eval (GetContent f ) = lift $ f <$> effectfulGetContent
eval (SetContent n s) = lift $ const n <$> effectfulSetContent s
eval (GetCursor f ) = lift $ f <$> effectfulGetCursor
render s = todo
query :: forall eff i. Free Input i -> StateT Unit (Eff (dom :: DOM | eff)) i
query = runFreeM eval
test :: Free Input Unit
test = do
cursor <- getCursor
content <- getContent
setContent $ content ++ (show cursor)
foreign import data DOM :: !
foreign import effectfulGetContent :: forall eff. Eff (dom :: DOM | eff) String
foreign import effectfulSetContent :: forall eff. String -> Eff (dom :: DOM | eff) Unit
foreign import effectfulGetCursor :: forall eff. Eff (dom :: DOM | eff) Number
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