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Last active August 22, 2019 04:25
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Parse a query string in ReasonML
* Define a type that can be either a single string or a list of strings
type queryItem =
| Single(string)
| Multiple(list(string));
* Make a string “safe” by
* 1) Changing all + to a space (decodeURI doesn’t do that)
* 2) URI decoding (change things like %3f to ?)
* 3) Changing <, >, and & to &lt; &gt; and &amp;
let makeSafe = (s: string) : string => {
Js.Global.decodeURI(Js.String.replaceByRe([%re "/\\+/g"], " ", s)) |>
Js.String.replaceByRe([%re "/&/g"], "&amp;") |>
Js.String.replaceByRe([%re "/</g"], "&lt;") |>
Js.String.replaceByRe([%re "/>/g"], "&gt;");
* This is the function used by fold_left in parseQueryString.
* Split a key/value pair on "="
* If the split succeeds, then get the current value for the key from the dictionary.
* If the key doesn’t exist, then add the new value as a Single value
* If the key exists:
* If it is a Single item, then modify the value as a Multiple consisting
* of the old Single value and this new value
* If it is a Multiple (list of items), then add this new value to the
* list of items
let addKeyValue = (accumulator: Js.Dict.t(queryItem), kvPair: string) : Js.Dict.t(queryItem) => {
switch (Js.String.split("=", kvPair)) {
| [| "", "" |] => accumulator
| [|key, codedValue|] => {
let value = makeSafe(codedValue);
switch (Js.Dict.get(accumulator, key)) {
| None => {
Js.Dict.set(accumulator, key, Single(value));
| Some(v) => {
switch (v) {
| Single(s) => Js.Dict.set(accumulator, key, Multiple([value, s]))
| Multiple(m) => Js.Dict.set(accumulator, key, Multiple([value, ...m]))
| _ => accumulator
* parseQueryString creates a dictionary (keyed by string) of queryItems
let parseQueryString = (qString: string) : Js.Dict.t(queryItem) => {
let result: Js.Dict.t(queryItem) = Js.Dict.fromList([]);
let kvPairs = Js.String.split("&", qString);
Array.fold_left(addKeyValue, result, kvPairs);
let showItem = (query: Js.Dict.t(queryItem), key: string) : unit => {
let item = (Js.Dict.get(query, key));
switch (item) {
| Some(Single(s)) => Js.log(s)
| Some(Multiple(m)) => Js.log(m)
| None => Js.log("no key")
/* Encoded an acute-accented o in unicode as part of the name
* (via
let query = parseQueryString("age=35&name=Ram%c3%b3n&multi=first&multi=second&occupation=baker");
showItem(query, "multi");
showItem(query, "age");
showItem(query, "name");
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ghost commented Jul 31, 2019

There's also URLSearchParams available in browsers (except IE). Reason bindings are available in the bs-webapi library.

Example usage:

open Webapi.Url;
let queryString = "name=John&age=18";
let params = URLSearchParams.make(queryString);

switch (params |> URLSearchParams.get("name")) {
| Some(name) => Js.log({j|Hi, my name is $name|j})
| None => Js.log("I have no name")

Js.log(params |> URLSearchParams.getAll("age")); /* => ["18"] */

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