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Created November 27, 2023 18:47
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import requests, json, sys, re
api_org = '2323049'
# Read the Management API base64 of the management key and secret.
# Key: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
# Secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# The Key is located in your Umbrella ORG's dashboard while the secret, once generated cannot
# be recovered.
# This can be made with this CLI
# echo -n 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' | openssl base64
# Save that output management-api-auth.txt in the same directory as this script.
with open('management-api-auth.txt', 'r') as k:
api_key =
url = ''+api_org+'/destinationlists'
headers = {
'accept': 'application/json',
'authorization': 'basic '+api_key
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
# print(json.dumps(output, indent=4))
if 'statusCode' in output:
print('No Destination Lists')
print('API call status code:', output['status']['code'])
dest_lists = []
for lists in output['data']:
print('ID:', lists['id'], 'Label:',lists['name'])
# Delete all of the lists. Yeah, don't do this. This just an example and will delete
# both the Global Allow List and Global Block List.
# ID: 3487556 Label: Amazing Web Proxy White List
# ID: 3187244 Label: Decrypt STUFF
# ID: 3406070 Label: Do not Decrypt
# ID: 2998044 Label: IP address test
# ID: 2995296 Label: Really Stupidly Big Block List
# ID: 2989292 Label: That's The Way Uh Huh Uh Huh I Don't Like It
# ID: 2989290 Label: That's The Way Uh Huh Uh Huh I Like It
# ID: 3187258 Label: Web Policy Decrypt
# ID: 3176994 Label: Web Proxy Selective URL to block
dst_id = '3483462'
payload = "[{\"destination\":\"\",\"comment\":\"Because it'sd \"},{\"destination\":\"\",\"comment\":\"News site\"}]"
domains = []
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
filename = sys.argv[1]
print('ERROR: please provide an input file name')
with open(filename) as f:
domains =
remove_domain = 0
# Make one long list into a list of lists and each list has a number of items.
# Python is cool.
items = 100
domains = [domains[i:i + items] for i in range(0, len(domains), items)]
count = 1
delay_multiplier = 0
for chunk in domains:
# This is silly.
# The Destination List API doesn't handle json properly so I need to do this hack.
# This will be reported.
for domain in chunk:
# Add valid hostname or domain to json
# bigdata.append(data)
# bigdata=bigdata+'{"destination":"'+domain+'","comment":"Not empty becasue 400 error"},'
print('Chunk No.:', count, 'in',len(domains))
# print(json.dumps(bigdata))
# print(bigdata)
# Reset the response and make sure we default to borked. Python doesn't have
# a case statement. Shut up.
response = 0
borked = 1
url = ''+api_org+'/destinationlists/'+dst_id+'/destinations'
headers = {
'accept': 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'authorization': 'basic '+api_key
# req =, data=json.dumps(bigdata), headers=headers)
borked = 0
req =, data=bigdata, headers=headers, timeout=300)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
borked = 1
if not borked:
response = req.status_code
print('Web Server Status:', response)
print('App Server Status:', output['status']['code'], output['status']['text'])
print(json.dumps(output, indent=4))
if response != output['status']['code']:
print('Writing to error file')
error_file = open('error.txt', 'a')
for domain in chunk:
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