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Created June 3, 2019 12:23
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Cancelable HttpClient
$responses = [];
$responses[] = $fooResponse = $this->client->request('GET', '/foo');
$responses[] = $barResponse = $this->client->request('GET', '/foo');
$responses[] = $bazResponse = $this->client->request('GET', '/foo');
// ...
if (/* ... */) {
// cancel pending requests
array_walk($responses, function (CancelableResponseInterface $response): void {
namespace App\HttpClient;
class CanceledException extends \RuntimeException
namespace App\HttpClient;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseStreamInterface;
class CancellableHttpClient implements CancellableHttpClientInterface
private $decorated;
public function __construct(HttpClientInterface $decorated)
$this->decorated = $decorated;
public function request(string $method, string $url, array $options = []): ResponseInterface
$canceler = new ResponseCanceler();
$onProgress = $options['on_progress'] ?? null;
$options['on_progress'] = function ($cur, $tot, array $infos) use ($onProgress, $canceler): void {
if ($canceler->isCanceled()) {
throw new CanceledException();
$onProgress && $onProgress($cur, $tot, $infos);
return new CancellableHttpResponse($this->decorated->request($method, $url, $options), $canceler);
public function stream($responses, float $timeout = null): ResponseStreamInterface
return $this->decorated->stream($responses, $timeout);
namespace App\HttpClient;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface;
interface CancellableHttpClientInterface extends HttpClientInterface
* TODO replace this docBlock by typeHint with covariance in php 7.4
* @return CancellableResponseInterface
public function request(string $method, string $url, array $options = []): ResponseInterface;
namespace App\HttpClient;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\HttpExceptionInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface;
class CancellableHttpResponse implements CancellableResponseInterface
private $decorated;
private $canceler;
public function __construct(ResponseInterface $decorated, ResponseCanceler $canceler)
$this->decorated = $decorated;
$this->canceler = $canceler;
public function __destruct()
try {
$this->decorated = null;
} catch (HttpExceptionInterface $e) {
if (!$this->canceler->isCanceled()) {
throw $e;
} catch (TransportException $e) {
if (!$e->getPrevious() instanceof CanceledException) {
throw $e;
public function getStatusCode(): int
return $this->decorated->getStatusCode();
public function getHeaders(bool $throw = true): array
return $this->decorated->getHeaders($throw);
public function getContent(bool $throw = true): string
return $this->decorated->getContent($throw);
public function toArray(bool $throw = true): array
return $this->decorated->toArray($throw);
public function getInfo(string $type = null)
return $this->decorated->getInfo($type);
public function cancel(): void
namespace App\HttpClient;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface;
interface CancellableResponseInterface extends ResponseInterface
public function cancel(): void;
namespace App\HttpClient;
class ResponseCanceler
private $canceled = false;
public function cancel(): void
$this->canceled = true;
public function isCanceled(): bool
return $this->canceled;
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