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John Detlefs jdetle

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"window.zoomLevel": 2,
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"workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Material Theme Ocean",
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jdetle /
Last active April 28, 2020 17:10
My SciFi Entanglement Idea

The Science

It is difficult to discuss quantum physics without getting lost in philosophy. All of science is based on the principle of causality. We use models to better predict future outcomes based on observations of cause and effect. Electrons are a relatively new creation, which most people believe exist in a universe that obeys cause and effect. The photovoltaic effect was one of four of Albert Einstein's famous 1905 papers and was the foundation of quantum theory. The idea that energy was quantized was the most instantly impactful work Einstein produced. During this era the electron was determined to be a point particle: it has no axis to rotate on, it is not a physical thing with dimensions that matter. Every year scientists devized more radical experiments and extended the implications of quantum physics. Einstein and others were unhappy with the results that were amassing, notoriously saying "God does not play dice[!]".

Einstein loathed t

import {
} from "./loginConstants";
Given(`the user navigates to the Login page`, () => {
jdetle /
Last active February 10, 2017 23:18

Q: What is going on under the hood when executing + rendering an output?

From the nteract-front end we send an EXECUTE_CELL request. This request gets intercepted by the corresponding RxJS epic, executeCellEpic. Tracking down where code is rendered then leads us to executeCellStream. From this code we can see that we should investigate handleFormattableMessages, where we can see that 4 different jupyter kernel message types are handled by this function: MessageType(['execute_result', 'display_data', 'stream', 'error']).

As we can see from the messaging spec: streams come from data that would normally be sent to STDOUT or STDERR.
For very large streams, the amount of data being rendered is crashing nteract!

jdetle /
Last active February 6, 2017 23:50

External Displays


Ipython is an interactive Read-Eval-Print Loop, it helps a user save, execute, and display the results of computer code. The way in which the frontend interface responsible for user input communicates with the backend responsible for interpreting the language the user is coding in was engineered to be independent of Python or any other language. As a core technology underlying Project Jupyter, the messaging specifications are thoroughly documented and maintained by Jupyter developers.

Data provided for display should have a mimetype; these mimetypes determine how data is displayed. Charts, tables, or other mimetypes of data would normally be sent to the output area in the Jupyter notebook.

Some time ago team members at nteract built a tool merging the interactive REPL elements of IPython with an elec

jdetle /
Last active February 4, 2017 20:24
A draft of accessibility idea for GSOC.
## Improve the accessibility of nteract
Nteract was created with the mission statement:
>The nteract organization explores what is possible (and impossible) in interactive computing experiences.
We investigate cutting edge technology to build small components that others can combine to create the next big thing.
nteract is all about learning together and learning from each other.
jdetle /
Last active October 5, 2016 23:28
Questions I have asked others/myself while learning @nteractio

These are all questions I've asked myself and others while working on nteract

Find out the answers by asking people the questions/ searching on your own.

  • What is a mimetype?
  • How do I store the result of a callback function for later use?
  • What is a switchMap?
  • What is a higher order function?
  • What is OAuth?
  • What is an agreed upon number of tabs or spaces for code styling?
  • Me to Safia: Can you explain to me what Kyle just said?
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