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Created May 28, 2012 19:53
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Changelog for WP SEO 1.2

If you want to help test, you can download the development version from here, or directly from here. If you find issues, please file them here.

= 1.2 (development version) =

Major improvements: all sorts of fixes to suggest and keyword check functionality which now should allow for non-ascii stuff, like Greek, Arabic, but even "weird" chars in western-European languages.

  • Bugs fixed:
    • ereg_replace != preg_replace ; in other words: alt and title tags for images in xml sitemap fixed.
    • Image size for OpenGraph now defaults to medium for thumbnail image.
    • Selecting a Facebook App as the admin of your site now actually works.
    • Saving the SEO -> Dashboard settings no longer makes you loose the SEO -> Social settings.
    • Tweaks to clean slug functionality.
    • Fix for UTF-8 terms in titles and descriptions.
    • Fixed bug where empty but saved title template settings could lead to empty homepage title on blogs with a static front page.
    • Fixed several bugs around page numbers in titles and descriptions.
    • Prevented an error in the opendir functionality for WP SEO modules.
    • Allow ';' in focus keyword.
    • Don't double encode characters in suggest functionality.
    • Don't remove non-alphanumeric values for keyword checks.
    • Fixed a bug in snippet preview occurring when content was shorter than max snippet length.
    • Fixed keyword count in content for cases where keyword was surrounded by parentheses and some other characters.
    • Loads of Regex Fu to improve keyword bolding.
    • Activation and deactivation handlers properly specified.
    • WP Super Cache now properly emptied on update of settings.
    • Fixes to OpenGraph images for homepage.
    • Fixed a notice in OpenGraph class on 404 pages.
    • Fixed notices in OpenGraph admin when selecting Facebook app as admin.
    • Fixed a bug where half the Linkdex analyses wouldn't work when the visual editor is disabled.
  • Enhancements:
    • Upon activation, XML sitemaps are automatically enabled.
    • Upon activation, title templates are pre-filled with sensible defaults.
    • On activation, W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache cache gets cleared automatically.
    • Added an uninstall handler, deleting the plugin through the WP backend will now delete options from the DB too.
    • Added the option to display custom taxonomy in titles and descriptions, use %%ct_<custom-taxname>%% for a comma separated list or %%ct_<custom-taxname>%%single%% for only one taxonomy term.
    • Allow for 'Page x of x' to be localized too.
    • Force the query for the current page to be used instead of the query that a bad plugin or even theme was using by calling wp_reset_query before the header functionality.
    • If you're a Woothemes user and you activate WordPress SEO, the "use 3rd party plugins data" checkbox will be checked on upon activation.
    • Non front page blog pages now have a title template: %%title%% %%page%% - %%sitename%% if they don't have a specific SEO title and there is no page template.
    • Pinging search engines on post of new content now moved to cron to prevent lag.
    • Only embed images in the XML sitemap that match the main domain, subdomains should not matter but images from other domains are now ignored.
  • API Improvements:
    • Added a filter to allow adding URLs to specific XML sitemaps, see this thread. The filter is wpseo_sitemap_<$post_type>_content.
    • Added a filter for the meta keywords, wpseo_metakey.
    • Added a filter to allow disabling rel="next" and rel="prev" links, use wpseo_<prev|next>_rel_link.
    • Added a filter wpseo_xml_sitemap_img_src to allow changing the hostname of images, most common use case is to force them to the CDN.
    • See the new WordPress SEO API docs.
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