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Last active December 20, 2015 20:49
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  • Save jdewind/6193125 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jdewind/6193125 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
source ""
group :test, :development do
gem 'rake'
gem 'bubble-wrap'
gem 'teacup'
gem 'motion-cocoapods'
gem 'motion-objection'
gem 'motion-facon', :github => 'karlin/motion-facon'

Finding Podfile changes
R AFNetworking-RACExtensions
R CocoaLumberjack
R Nimbus
- Objection

Resolving dependencies of 

Resolving dependencies for target `Pods' (iOS 6.1)
- Objection (= 1.0.3)

Comparing resolved specification to the sandbox manifest
R AFNetworking
R AFNetworking-RACExtensions
R CocoaLumberjack
R JRSwizzle
R Nimbus
R ReactiveCocoa
R libextobjc
- Objection

Analyzing dependencies

Updating spec repositories
Updating spec repo `master`
$ /usr/local/bin/git pull
fe77c55..f87d15c master -> origin/master
Updating fe77c55..f87d15c
FMDB/2.0/FMDB.podspec | 7 +------
FMDB/2.1/FMDB.podspec | 7 +------
FTFontSelector/1.1.2/FTFontSelector.podspec | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
FTFontSelector/1.1.3/FTFontSelector.podspec | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MarqueeLabel/1.2.1/MarqueeLabel.podspec | 13 +++++++++++++
sqlite3/ | 15 +++++++++++++--
6 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 FTFontSelector/1.1.2/FTFontSelector.podspec
create mode 100644 FTFontSelector/1.1.3/FTFontSelector.podspec
create mode 100644 MarqueeLabel/1.2.1/MarqueeLabel.podspec

Finding Podfile changes
R AFNetworking-RACExtensions
R CocoaLumberjack
R Nimbus
- Objection

Resolving dependencies of 
Resolving dependencies for target `Pods' (iOS 6.1)
- Objection (= 1.0.3)

Comparing resolved specification to the sandbox manifest
R AFNetworking
R AFNetworking-RACExtensions
R CocoaLumberjack
R JRSwizzle
R Nimbus
R ReactiveCocoa
R libextobjc
- Objection

-> Removing AFNetworking

-> Removing AFNetworking-RACExtensions

-> Removing CocoaLumberjack

-> Removing JRSwizzle

-> Removing JSONKit

-> Removing Nimbus

-> Removing ReactiveCocoa

-> Removing libextobjc

Downloading dependencies

-> Using Objection (1.0.3)
- Running pre install hooks

Generating Pods project
- Creating Pods project
- Adding source files to Pods project
- Adding frameworks to Pods project
- Adding frameworks to Pods project
- Adding resources to Pods project
- Linking headers
- Installing libraries
- Installing target `Pods-Objection` iOS 6.1
- Adding Build files
- Adding resource bundles to Pods project
- Generating public xcconfig file at `vendor/Pods/Pods-Objection.xcconfig`
- Generating private xcconfig file at `vendor/Pods/Pods-Objection-Private.xcconfig`
- Generating prefix header at `vendor/Pods/Pods-Objection-prefix.pch`
- Generating dummy source file at `vendor/Pods/Pods-Objection-dummy.m`
- Installing target `Pods` iOS 6.1
- Generating xcconfig file at `vendor/Pods/Pods.xcconfig`
- Generating target environment header at `vendor/Pods/Pods-environment.h`
- Generating copy resources script at `vendor/Pods/`
- Generating acknowledgements at `vendor/Pods/Pods-acknowledgements.plist`
- Generating acknowledgements at `vendor/Pods/Pods-acknowledgements.markdown`
- Generating dummy source file at `vendor/Pods/Pods-dummy.m`
- Running post install hooks
- Writing Xcode project file to `vendor/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj`
- Writing Lockfile in `vendor/Podfile.lock`
- Writing Manifest in `vendor/Pods/Manifest.lock`

Finding Podfile changes
- AFNetworking-RACExtensions
- CocoaLumberjack
- Nimbus
- Objection

Resolving dependencies of 

Resolving dependencies for target `Pods' (iOS 6.1)
- Objection (= 1.0.3)
- AFNetworking-RACExtensions (= 0.1.1)
- AFNetworking (~> 1.0)
- ReactiveCocoa (~> 1.0)
- ReactiveCocoa/Core
- JRSwizzle (~> 1.0)
- libextobjc/EXTKeyPathCoding (~> 0.2.5)
- libextobjc/RuntimeExtensions
- libextobjc/EXTConcreteProtocol (~> 0.2.5)
- libextobjc/RuntimeExtensions
- libextobjc/EXTScope (~> 0.2.5)
- libextobjc/RuntimeExtensions
- ReactiveCocoa/RACExtensions
- ReactiveCocoa/Core
- Nimbus (= 0.9.3)
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/CSS
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/AttributedLabel
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Interapp
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Launcher
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Models
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/NetworkControllers
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/NetworkImage
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Overview
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/PagingScrollView
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Photos
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/PagingScrollView
- Nimbus/Operations
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Operations/JSON
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/WebController
- Nimbus/Core
- CocoaLumberjack (= 1.6.2)

Comparing resolved specification to the sandbox manifest
A AFNetworking
A AFNetworking-RACExtensions
A CocoaLumberjack
A JRSwizzle
A Nimbus
A ReactiveCocoa
A libextobjc
- Objection

Analyzing dependencies

Updating spec repositories
Updating spec repo `master`
$ /usr/local/bin/git pull
Already up-to-date.

Finding Podfile changes
A AFNetworking-RACExtensions
A CocoaLumberjack
A Nimbus
- Objection

Resolving dependencies of 
Resolving dependencies for target `Pods' (iOS 6.1)
- Objection (= 1.0.3)
- AFNetworking-RACExtensions
- AFNetworking (~> 1.0)
- ReactiveCocoa (~> 1.0)
- ReactiveCocoa/Core
- JRSwizzle (~> 1.0)
- libextobjc/EXTKeyPathCoding (~> 0.2.5)
- libextobjc/RuntimeExtensions
- libextobjc/EXTConcreteProtocol (~> 0.2.5)
- libextobjc/RuntimeExtensions
- libextobjc/EXTScope (~> 0.2.5)
- libextobjc/RuntimeExtensions
- ReactiveCocoa/RACExtensions
- ReactiveCocoa/Core
- Nimbus (~> 0.9)
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/CSS
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/AttributedLabel
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Interapp
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Launcher
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Models
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/NetworkControllers
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/NetworkImage
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Overview
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/PagingScrollView
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Photos
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/PagingScrollView
- Nimbus/Operations
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/Operations/JSON
- Nimbus/Core
- Nimbus/WebController
- Nimbus/Core
- CocoaLumberjack

Comparing resolved specification to the sandbox manifest
A AFNetworking
A AFNetworking-RACExtensions
A CocoaLumberjack
A JRSwizzle
A Nimbus
A ReactiveCocoa
A libextobjc
- Objection

Downloading dependencies
app.vendor_project 'vendor/HockeySDK/HockeySDK.framework', :static, products: ['HockeySDK'], headers_dir: 'Headers'
app.vendor_project 'vendor/ReactiveMotion', :static, cflags: '-I../Pods/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoaFramework'
app.resources_dirs += ['vendor/HockeySDK/Resources']
app.frameworks += ['QuartzCore', 'HockeySDK']
app.info_plist['HockeySDK'] ||= {
'identifier' => '****'
app.pods do
pod 'AFNetworking-RACExtensions'
pod "Nimbus", '~> 0.9'
pod "CocoaLumberjack"
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