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Created October 29, 2023 06:45
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Lempel-Ziv-Welch decoder
(ns lzw
(:import ( ByteArrayInputStream StringWriter)))
(defn read-bits
"Read `n` bits from `partial-byte` (most significant first) then `bais` as needed.
Return vector of value, new bits-remaining-of and new partial-byte.
Nil if requested number of bits not available or > Long.SIZE/2 ."
[n ^ByteArrayInputStream bais bits-remaining-of partial-byte]
(if (> n (/ Long/SIZE 2))
(loop [current-byte partial-byte ; e.g. 0000_0abc (indicating bit position)
current-remaining bits-remaining-of ; e.g. 3
still-to-get n
ret (long 0)] ; e.g. 0000_0def (only 8 of 64 bits shown)
(case current-byte
-1 nil
(if (zero? still-to-get)
[ret current-remaining current-byte]
(if (zero? current-remaining)
(recur (.read bais) 8 still-to-get ret)
(recur current-byte (dec current-remaining) (dec still-to-get)
(bit-or (bit-shift-left ret 1) ; e.g. 0000_abc0
(bit-shift-right current-byte (dec current-remaining)) ; e.g. 0000_000d
0x1))))))))) ; e.g. 0000_abcd
(defn decode
"Includes clear-table, end-of-data, variable chunk size."
(let [min-chunk-size 9 ; bits
early-change 1
chunk-size (fn [table] (condp #(>= %2 (- %1 early-change)) (count table)
4096 13 2048 12 1024 11 512 10 9))
bais (ByteArrayInputStream. bytes)
sw (StringWriter.)
new-table #(transient (into (mapv (comp str char) (range 256))
[nil nil]))] ;; end-of-data and clear-table
(loop [last-command nil
[next-command cr cb] (read-bits min-chunk-size bais 0 (byte 0))
table (new-table)]
(case next-command ; needs literals
;; abnormal end of data
nil (.toString sw)
;; clear-table
256 (recur nil (read-bits min-chunk-size bais cr cb) (new-table))
;; end-of-data
257 (.toString sw)
;; else
(if-let [nc (get table next-command)]
(let [table (if last-command
(conj! table (str (table last-command) (first (table next-command)))) ; nb last next
(.write sw nc)
(recur next-command (read-bits (chunk-size table) bais cr cb) table))
(let [new-thing (str (table last-command) (first (table last-command))) ; NB last last
table (conj! table new-thing)]
(.write sw new-thing)
(recur next-command (read-bits (chunk-size table) bais cr cb) table)))))))
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