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Last active December 19, 2015 17:08
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Writer tests

nbconvert tests


Suite of automated nose tests for nbconvert


App tests

  • Does help show when no notebooks are specified?
  • Does glob work?
  • Does glob into a subdirectory work?
  • Does explicit notebook listing work?
  • Does glob, then explicit notebook listing work?
  • Does explicit notebook listing and then glob work?
  • Does custom config via commandline override directory config?
  • Does the format specified from the commandline override format in default config?
  • Can conversion be done without a default config, only commandline args?


  • Try export by name with a name we know doesn't exist, do we get the right error?
  • export_by_name a filename
  • export_by_name a notebook node
  • export_by_name a filestream
  • export using an exporter instance
  • Try to export without resources, does it still work?
  • Try to export without an exporter, does it through the right error?
  • Try to construct an exporter
  • Try to construct a basichtml exporter
  • Try to construct a fullhtml exporter
  • Try to construct a latex exporter
  • Try to construct a markdown exporter
  • Try to construct a python exporter
  • Try to construct a reveal exporter
  • Try to construct a rst exporter
  • Try to construct a sphinx_howto exporter
  • Try to construct a sphinx_manual exporter
  • Export using an exporter
  • Export using a basichtml exporter
  • Export using a fullhtml exporter
  • Export using a latex exporter
  • Export using a markdown exporter
  • Export using a python exporter
  • Export using a reveal exporter
  • Export using a rst exporter
  • Export using a sphinx_howto exporter
  • Export using a sphinx_manual exporter
  • Try disabling the extract figure transformer, verify no figures are extracted
  • Try adding a custom transformer via the extra transformers list
  • Try adding a custom filter via traitlet
  • Try adding a custom transformer via the public method
  • Try adding a custom filter via the public method


  • DataTypeFilter


  • remove_ansi
  • ansi2html
  • single_ansi2latex
  • ansi2latex


  • highlight
  • highlight2latex


  • escape_latex
  • rm_math_space


  • markdown2html
  • markdown2latex
  • markdown2rst


  • wrap
  • strip_dollars
  • rm_fake
  • python_comment
  • get_lines


  • Fuzzy compare an exported notebook using the basichtml template
  • Fuzzy compare an exported notebook using the fullhtml template
  • Fuzzy compare an exported notebook using the latex template
  • Fuzzy compare an exported notebook using the markdown template
  • Fuzzy compare an exported notebook using the python template
  • Fuzzy compare an exported notebook using the reveal template
  • Fuzzy compare an exported notebook using the rst template
  • Fuzzy compare an exported notebook using the sphinx_howto template
  • Fuzzy compare an exported notebook using the sphinx_manual template
  • Strict compare the results of a custom template


  • coalescestreams
  • svg2pdf
  • csshtmlheader
  • extractfigure
  • latex
  • revealhelp
  • sphinx


  • files
  • stdout
  • debug
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