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Created February 21, 2022 00:37
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Open addressed hash table in OCaml
let primes =
[|3; 7; 13; 31; 61; 127; 251; 509; 1021; 2039; 4093; 8191; 16381; 32749;
65521; 131071; 262139; 524287; 1048573; 2097143; 4194301; 8388593;
16777213; 33554393; 67108859; 134217689; 268435399; 536870909; 1073741789;
let mods =
[|(fun n -> n mod 3);
(fun n -> n mod 7);
(fun n -> n mod 13);
(fun n -> n mod 31);
(fun n -> n mod 61);
(fun n -> n mod 127);
(fun n -> n mod 251);
(fun n -> n mod 509);
(fun n -> n mod 1021);
(fun n -> n mod 2039);
(fun n -> n mod 4093);
(fun n -> n mod 8191);
(fun n -> n mod 16381);
(fun n -> n mod 32749);
(fun n -> n mod 65521);
(fun n -> n mod 131071);
(fun n -> n mod 262139);
(fun n -> n mod 524287);
(fun n -> n mod 1048573);
(fun n -> n mod 2097143);
(fun n -> n mod 4194301);
(fun n -> n mod 8388593);
(fun n -> n mod 16777213);
(fun n -> n mod 33554393);
(fun n -> n mod 67108859);
(fun n -> n mod 134217689);
(fun n -> n mod 268435399);
(fun n -> n mod 536870909);
(fun n -> n mod 1073741789);
(fun n -> n mod 2147483647)|]
module type HASH = sig
type t
[@@deriving show]
val empty : t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module HashTable(Key: HASH) : sig
type 'v t
val make : unit -> 'v t
val add : 'v t -> Key.t -> 'v -> unit
val remove : 'v t -> Key.t -> unit
val mem : 'v t -> Key.t -> bool
val find : 'v t -> Key.t -> 'v
val find_opt : 'v t -> Key.t -> 'v option
val update : 'v t -> Key.t -> ('v -> 'v) -> unit
val fold : ('a -> Key.t -> 'v -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'v t -> 'a
val length : 'v t -> int
val to_array : 'v t -> (Key.t * 'v) array
val of_array : (Key.t * 'v) array -> 'v t
val of_seq : (Key.t * 'v) Seq.t -> 'v t
val pp : Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> 'v -> unit) -> 'v t -> unit
val show : ('v -> string) -> 'v t -> string
end = struct
type 'v entry =
{ mutable hash: int;
mutable key: Key.t;
mutable value: 'v }
type 'v t =
{ mutable capacity: int;
mutable entries: 'v entry array;
mutable count: int }
let emptyEntry = Obj.magic()
let make() =
let capacity = 0 in
{ capacity = capacity;
entries = Array.make primes.(capacity) emptyEntry;
count = 0 }
let hash x = abs(98299 * Key.hash x)
let is_match h k entry =
entry.hash = h && Key.equal entry.key k
let is_empty_entry entry = entry == emptyEntry
let delete_at t i =
t.entries.(i) <- emptyEntry
let next n i =
if i+1 = n then 0 else i+1
let add_aux t modulo h k v =
let rec loop i =
let entry = t.entries.(i) in
if is_empty_entry entry then
( t.count <- t.count + 1;
t.entries.(i) <- {hash=h; key=k; value=v} )
else if is_match h k entry then
( if t.entries.(i).value != v then
t.entries.(i).value <- v )
else loop (next (Array.length t.entries) i) in
loop(modulo h)
let clone t =
let old_entries = t.entries in
t.count <- 0;
t.entries <- Array.make primes.(t.capacity) emptyEntry;
let modulo = mods.(t.capacity) in
|> Array.iter (fun entry ->
if not(is_empty_entry entry) then
add_aux t modulo entry.hash entry.key entry.value)
let add t k v =
if 5*t.count >= Array.length t.entries then
( t.capacity <- t.capacity + 1;
clone t );
add_aux t mods.(t.capacity) (hash k) k v
let mem t k =
let h = hash k in
let rec loop i =
let entry = t.entries.(i) in
not(is_empty_entry entry) &&
(is_match h k entry || loop (next (Array.length t.entries) i)) in
loop(mods.(t.capacity) h)
let find t k =
let h = hash k in
let rec loop i =
let entry = t.entries.(i) in
if is_empty_entry entry then raise Not_found
else if is_match h k entry then entry.value
else loop (next (Array.length t.entries) i) in
loop(mods.(t.capacity) h)
let find_opt t k = try Some(find t k) with Not_found -> None
let update t k f =
let h = hash k in
let rec loop i =
let entry = t.entries.(i) in
if is_empty_entry entry then ()
else if is_match h k entry then entry.value <- f entry.value
else loop (next (Array.length t.entries) i) in
loop(mods.(t.capacity) h)
let remove t k =
let modulo = mods.(t.capacity) in
let h = hash k in
let n = Array.length t.entries in
let rec shuffle i j =
let j = next n j in
let entry = t.entries.(j) in
if is_empty_entry entry then delete_at t i else
let k = modulo entry.hash in
if (j > i && (k <= i || k > j)) || (j < i && (k <= i && k > j)) then
( t.entries.(i) <- t.entries.(j);
shuffle j j )
else shuffle i j in
let rec loop i =
let entry = t.entries.(i) in
if is_empty_entry entry then ()
else if is_match h k entry then
( t.count <- t.count - 1;
shuffle i i )
else loop (next n i) in
loop(modulo h);
if 50*t.count < n && t.capacity > 0 then
( t.capacity <- t.capacity - 1;
clone t )
let fold f a t =
Array.fold_left (fun a entry ->
if is_empty_entry entry then a else
f a entry.key entry.value) a t.entries
let length t =
Printf.printf "t.count=%d, fold=%d\n%!" t.count (fold (fun n _ _ -> n+1) 0 t);
let to_array t =
let kvs = Array.make (length t) (Obj.magic()) in
let _ = fold (fun dst k v -> kvs.(dst) <- (k, v); dst+1) 0 t in
let of_array kvs =
let h = make() in
for i=0 to Array.length kvs-1 do
let k, v = kvs.(i) in
add h k v
let of_seq kvs =
let h = make() in
Seq.iter (fun (k, v) -> add h k v) kvs;
let pp fmt pp_v xs =
Format.fprintf fmt "[|@[";
let _ =
fold (fun not_first k v ->
if not_first then
Format.fprintf fmt ";@ ";
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a,@ %a@]" Key.pp k pp_v v;
true) false xs in
Format.fprintf fmt "@]|]"
let show show xs =
let buf = Buffer.create (2*length xs) in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
pp fmt (fun fmt x -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (show x)) xs;
Buffer.to_bytes buf
|> Bytes.to_string
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