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Last active January 30, 2024 14:06
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Simple JSON parser written in F# using active patterns
type Json =
| Null
| Bool of bool
| Number of float
| String of string
| Array of Json list
| Object of (string * Json) list
type Bracket = Open | Close
type Token =
| LITERAL of Json
| ARRAY of Bracket
| OBJECT of Bracket
let (|C|_|) (s: string, i) =
if i < s.Length then Some(s.[i], (s, i+1)) else None
let numeric = set['0'..'9'] + set['+'; '-'; '.'; 'e'; 'E']
let whitespace = set[','; ':'; '\u0009'; '\u000a'; '\u000d'; '\u0020']
let (|Contains|_|) alphabet = function
| C(c, it) when Set.contains c alphabet -> Some it
| _ -> None
let rec (|Star|) (|Patt|_|) = function
| Patt(x, Star (|Patt|_|) (xs, it)) -> x::xs, it
| it -> [], it
let rec (|LexNumber|_|) = function
| Contains numeric (LexNumber it | it) -> Some it
| _ -> None
let rec (|LexString|) = function
| C('"', it)
| C('\\', C(('"' | '\\' | '/' | 'b' | 'n' | 'r' | 't'), LexString it))
| C('\\', C('u', C(_, C(_, C(_, C(_, LexString it))))))
| C(_, LexString it)
| it -> it
let rec (|Lex|_|) = function
| Contains whitespace it -> (|Lex|_|) it
| C('n', C('u', C('l', C('l', it)))) -> Some(LITERAL Null, it)
| C('t', C('r', C('u', C('e', it)))) -> Some(LITERAL(Bool true), it)
| C('f', C('a', C('l', C('s', C('e', it))))) -> Some(LITERAL(Bool false), it)
| LexNumber((s, last) as it) & (_, first) ->
Some(LITERAL(Number(float s.[first..last-1])), it)
| C('"', (LexString(it & (s, last)) & (_, first))) ->
let s = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape s.[first..last-2]
Some(LITERAL(String s), it)
| C('[', it) -> Some(ARRAY Open, it)
| C(']', it) -> Some(ARRAY Close, it)
| C('{', it) -> Some(OBJECT Open, it)
| C('}', it) -> Some(OBJECT Close, it)
| _ -> None
let rec (|ParseJSON|_|) = function
| Lex(LITERAL json, it) -> Some(json, it)
| Lex(ARRAY Open, Star (|ParseJSON|_|) (jsons, Lex(ARRAY Close, it))) ->
Some(Array jsons, it)
| Lex(OBJECT Open, Star (|ParseMember|_|) (members, Lex(OBJECT Close, it))) ->
Some(Object members, it)
| _ -> None
and (|ParseMember|_|) = function
| Lex(LITERAL(String key), ParseJSON(value, it)) -> Some((key, value), it)
| _ -> None
let parse s = (|ParseJSON|_|) (s, 0) |> fst
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daveyostcom commented Oct 5, 2023

Using multi-case active patterns as much as possible would be an interesting exploration. See

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