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Created March 15, 2021 11:12
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More functions for F#'s Array.Parallel module
open System.Threading
/// Spawn a new Task.
let task f x =
Tasks.Task<_>.Factory.StartNew(fun () -> f x)
module internal Internal =
/// Compute "map f [i0, i2) |> reduce g" in parallel using divide and conquer.
/// Assumes "f" is associative but does not assume that it is commutative.
/// Therefore, this function can return "f (f 0 1) (f 2 3)" but not "f 1 0" etc.
let inline mapReduce f g i0 i2 =
let rec loop d i0 i2 =
let di = i2-i0
if d=0 || di<2 then
let mutable x = f i0
for i=i0+1 to i2-1 do
x <- g x (f i)
let i1 = i0 + di/2
let y = task (loop (d-1) i1) i2
let x = loop (d-1) i0 i1
g x y.Result
if i0=i2 then invalidArg "i" "The input range was empty" else
loop 8 i0 i2
/// Compute "tryPick f [i0, i2)" in parallel, returning the first element for
/// which "f i" returns Some result.
let inline searchForFirst f i0 i2 =
let cancelledAt = ref None
let cancel i =
match !cancelledAt with
| Some j when j < i -> true
| _ -> false
let syncRoot = obj()
let update i =
match !cancelledAt with
| Some j when j<i -> false
| _ ->
cancelledAt := Some i
let update i = lock syncRoot (fun () -> update i)
let rec loop d i0 i2 =
if cancel i0 then None else
let di = i2-i0
if d=0 || di<2 then
let rec loop2 i =
if i=i2 || cancel i then None else
match f i with
| None -> loop2(i+1)
| Some x ->
if update i then Some(i, x) else None
loop2 i0
let i1 = i0 + di/2
let y = task (loop (d-1) i1) i2
match loop (d-1) i0 i1 with
| None -> y.Result
| ix ->
loop 8 i0 i2
/// Compute "exists f [i0, i2)" in parallel, returning true if the predicate
/// is true for any element.
let inline searchForAny f i0 i2 =
let cancelled = ref false
let rec loop d i0 i2 =
!cancelled ||
let di = i2-i0
if d=0 || di<2 then
let rec loop2 i =
i<i2 && (f i || !cancelled || loop2(i+1))
let result = loop2 i0
if result then cancelled := true
let i1 = i0 + di/2
let y = task (loop (d-1) i1) i2
loop (d-1) i0 i1 || y.Result
loop 8 i0 i2
open System.Collections.Generic
let inline extremumBy cmp f (xs: _ []) =
let inline f value = KeyValuePair(f value, value)
let inline g (kv1: KeyValuePair<_, _>) (kv2: KeyValuePair<_, _>) =
if cmp kv1.Key kv2.Key then kv1 else kv2
(mapReduce (fun i -> f xs.[i]) g 0 xs.Length).Value
module Array =
module Parallel =
open Internal
/// Compute "xs |> f |> Array.reduce g" in parallel.
let mapReduce f g (xs: _ []) =
mapReduce (fun i -> f xs.[i]) g 0 xs.Length
/// Compute "Array.reduce f xs" in parallel.
let reduce f xs = mapReduce id f xs
/// Find the element "x" that minimises "f x".
let inline minBy f xs = extremumBy (<=) f xs
/// Find the element "x" that maximises "f x".
let inline maxBy f xs = extremumBy (>=) f xs
/// Find the first element for which "f x" returns Some result.
let tryPick f (xs: _ []) =
searchForFirst (fun i -> f xs.[i]) 0 xs.Length
|> snd
/// Find the index of the first element for which "f x" returns Some result.
let tryFindIndex f (xs: _ []) =
searchForFirst (fun i -> if f xs.[i] then Some() else None) 0 xs.Length
|> fst
/// Compute "f 0 || f 1 || f 2 || …" in parallel.
let exists f (xs: _ []) =
searchForAny (fun i -> f xs.[i]) 0 xs.Length
/// Compute "f 0 && f 1 && f 2 && …" in parallel.
let forall f xs = not(exists(fun x -> not(f x)) xs)
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