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Last active February 21, 2022 00:40
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Concestor in OCaml: a purely functional Map backed by a hash table
module Concestor(Key: Collections.HASH) : sig
type 'v t
val empty : unit -> 'v t
val is_empty : 'v t -> bool
val add : Key.t -> 'v -> 'v t -> 'v t
val remove : Key.t -> 'v t -> 'v t
val mem : Key.t -> 'v t -> bool
val find : Key.t -> 'v t -> 'v
val find_opt : Key.t -> 'v t -> 'v option
val fold_left : ('a -> Key.t -> 'v -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'v t -> 'a
val count : 'v t -> int
val to_array : 'v t -> (Key.t * 'v) array
val of_array : (Key.t * 'v) array -> 'v t
val of_seq : (Key.t * 'v) Seq.t -> 'v t
val pp : Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> 'v -> unit) -> 'v t -> unit
val show : ('v -> string) -> 'v t -> string
end = struct
module HashTable = Collections.HashTable(Key)
type 'v ancestry =
| Add of Key.t * 'v * 'v t
| Remove of Key.t * 'v * 'v t
| Replace of Key.t * 'v * 'v * 'v t
| HashTable of 'v HashTable.t
and 'v t = { mutable ancestry: 'v ancestry }
let create d = { ancestry = HashTable d }
let empty() = create(HashTable.make())
let of_array s = create(HashTable.of_array s)
let of_seq s = create(HashTable.of_seq s)
let rec ossifyCPS concestor k =
let recur relative f =
ossifyCPS relative (fun d ->
relative.ancestry <- f d;
concestor.ancestry <- HashTable d;
k d) in
match concestor.ancestry with
| HashTable s -> k s
| Add(key, value, relative) ->
recur relative (fun d ->
HashTable.add d key value;
Remove(key, value, relative))
| Remove(key, value, relative) ->
recur relative (fun d ->
HashTable.remove d key;
Add(key, value, relative))
| Replace(key, oldValue, newValue, relative) ->
recur relative (fun d ->
HashTable.add d key newValue;
Replace(key, newValue, oldValue, relative))
let ossify concestor = ossifyCPS concestor (fun x -> x)
let locked concestor f =
(* Lock the concestor here for multicore code. *)
f(ossify concestor)
let add key value concestor =
locked concestor (fun d ->
let curr = { ancestry = HashTable d } in (* {concestor with ...} *)
let ancestry =
let oldValue = HashTable.find d key in
HashTable.add d key value;
Replace(key, value, oldValue, curr)
with Not_found ->
HashTable.add d key value;
Remove(key, value, curr) in
concestor.ancestry <- ancestry;
let remove key concestor =
locked concestor (fun d ->
let oldValue = HashTable.find d key in
HashTable.remove d key;
let curr = { ancestry = HashTable d } in
concestor.ancestry <- Add(key, oldValue, curr);
with Not_found -> concestor)
let mem key concestor =
locked concestor (fun d -> HashTable.mem d key)
let find key concestor =
locked concestor (fun d -> HashTable.find d key)
let find_opt key concestor =
locked concestor (fun d -> HashTable.find_opt d key)
let count concestor =
locked concestor (fun d -> HashTable.length d)
let to_array concestor = locked concestor HashTable.to_array
let fold_left f a concestor =
to_array concestor
|> Array.fold_left (fun a (k, v) -> f a k v) a
let is_empty concestor =
count concestor = 0
let pp fmt pp_v xs = locked xs (HashTable.pp fmt pp_v)
let show show xs = locked xs ( show)
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