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Last active October 22, 2020 05:39
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Convert ASCII data to NetCDF (Python)
from __future__ import division
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import os
PATH = '.'
LL = np.loadtxt('%s/global_soils_default.txt' % PATH);
LL = LL[:,2:4]
OBS = np.loadtxt('%s/VIC_GRDC_Monthly_Climatology.txt' % PATH, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
# NC file setup
root_grp = Dataset('', 'w', format='NETCDF4')
root_grp.description = 'Results from VIC 10K Latin Hypercube ensemble, 60-year simulation on Blue Waters'
# dimensions
root_grp.createDimension('lat', 180)
root_grp.createDimension('lon', 360)
root_grp.createDimension('month', 12)
ensemble = root_grp.createDimension('ensemble', 10000)
# variables
latitudes = root_grp.createVariable('latitude', 'f4', ('lat',))
longitudes = root_grp.createVariable('longitude', 'f4', ('lon',))
vic_runoff = root_grp.createVariable('vic_runoff', 'f4', ('lat', 'lon', 'ensemble', 'month',), fill_value=-9999.0)
obs_runoff = root_grp.createVariable('obs_runoff', 'f4', ('lat', 'lon', 'month'), fill_value=-9999.0)
vic_runoff.units = 'mm/month'
obs_runoff.units = 'mm/month'
# set the variables we know first
latitudes = np.arange(-90.5, 89.5, 1.0)
longitudes = np.arange(0.5, 360.5, 1.0)
cellsdone = 0
for lati, lat in enumerate(latitudes):
for loni, lon in enumerate(longitudes):
# grab the index of the 0-15836 list of grid cells
i = np.where((np.floor(LL[:,0]) == np.floor(lat)) & (np.floor(LL[:,1]) == np.floor(lon)))
# if this is one of our land surface grid cells...
if(np.size(i) > 0):
current_obs = OBS[np.where((np.floor(OBS[:,0]) == np.floor(lat)) & (np.floor(OBS[:,1]) == np.floor(lon))), 2:15]
current_obs = np.squeeze(current_obs)
if(current_obs.size > 0):
obs_runoff[lati,loni,:] = current_obs
# keep values in memory until ready to write a big chunk to NC file
tempstore = np.zeros((len(ensemble), 12), float)
for filenum in xrange(0,200):
output_filename = '%s' % PATH + '/txt/file_' + '%d' % filenum + '/txt/hcube_lat_' + '%.6f' % LL[i,0] + '_long_' + '%.6f' % LL[i,1] + '.txt'
output = np.loadtxt(output_filename)
# write the VIC output data
startix = filenum*50
tempstore[startix:(startix+output.shape[0]),:] = output # ensembles x months
vic_runoff[lati,loni,:,:] = tempstore # write all ensembles to netcdf
cellsdone = cellsdone + 1
print cellsdone
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