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Last active May 15, 2023 10:43
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example of pure random search in python
from random import random
# function to optimize: takes in a list of decision variables, returns an objective value
# this is the Rosenbrock function:
# the global minimum is located at x = (1,1) where f(x) = 0
def my_function(x):
return (1-x[0])**2 + 100*(x[1] - x[0]**2)**2
# function to perform (a very crude, stupid) optimization
# bounds = lower and upper bounds for each decision variable (2D list)
# NFE = number of function evaluations to perform
# f = the function to be optimized
def optimize(bounds, NFE, f):
D = len(bounds) # number of decision variables
best_f = 9999.0 # initialize the "best found" - both the function value and the x values
best_x = [None]*D
for i in range(NFE):
# use an "operator" to generate a new candidate solution
# this is "uniform mutation" in MOEA lingo
new_x = [bounds[d][0] + random()*(bounds[d][1] - bounds[d][0]) for d in range(D)]
new_f = f(new_x)
if new_f < best_f: # see if it's an improvement -- in multiobjective, this is the Pareto sort
best_f = new_f
best_x = new_x
return {'best_x': best_x, 'best_f': best_f}
# now let's try it...
# (the Rosenbrock problem technically doesn't have "bounds", but we'll make some up..)
bounds = [[-1,5], [-1,5]]
result = optimize(bounds, 10000, my_function)
print result # it should be near best_f = 0.0 and best_x = [1,1], hopefully
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