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Last active May 24, 2022 17:32
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This is an enhanced version of my original PowerShell prompt which includes telemetry data from remote computers.
#requires -version 5.1
#this requires a windows platform
This prompt function lets you see the results of your last command and then clears the screen.
The end result is that you run a single command at a time.
You can modify the value of the global variable PromptClear to toggle this feature.
$global:PromptClear = $true
Function prompt {
if ($global:PromptClear) {
$charHash = @{
Up = [char]0x25b2
Down = [char]0x25bc
Delta = [char]0x2206
Pointer = [char]0x25BA
TopLeft = [char]0x250c
TopRight = [char]0x2510
Border = [char]0x2500
BottomLeft = [char]0x2514
BottomRight = [char]0x2518
Ohm = [char]0x2126
Mu = [char]0x3bc
disk = [char]0x058d
bps = [char]0x20bf
Try {
#verify there is a global hashtable variable
Get-Variable -Name rsHash -Scope global -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Catch {
#create the runspace and synchronized hashtable
$global:rsHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{Computername = $env:computername; results = ""; date = (Get-Date); computers = @()})
$newRunspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
#set apartment state if available
if ($newRunspace.ApartmentState) {
$newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
$newRunspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("rsHash", $rsHash)
$pscmd = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript( {
#define the path to the list of computers
$script:listPath = "C:\scripts\watch.txt"
#define scriptblock to run remotely
$sb = {
#define a list of performance counters
$c = "\processor(_total)\% processor time",
"\physicaldisk(_total)\% disk time",
"\server\bytes total/sec",
"\system\file control operations/sec"
Try {
$mem = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem -Property TotalVisibleMemorySize, FreePhysicalMemory -ErrorAction Stop -OperationTimeoutSec 2
$memUsage = ($mem.FreePhysicalMemory / $mem.TotalVisibleMemorySize) * 100 -as [int]
$disk = Get-CimInstance -Classname win32_logicaldisk -filter "deviceID = 'c:'" -Property DeviceID, Size, FreeSpace -ErrorAction Stop -OperationTimeoutSec 2
$diskFree = ($disk.FreeSpace / $disk.Size) * 100 -as [int]
#get a count of all processes except idle and system and subtract 1 for the remote connection
$proc = (Get-Process).Where( {$ -notmatch 'Idle|system'}).count - 1
$os = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem -Property lastbootupTime
$isUp = $True
#create a hashtable of counters and values
get-counter -Counter $c | select-object -ExpandProperty countersamples |
foreach-object -Begin {$counterhash = @{}} -process {
$counterHash.add($_.Path.split("\\")[-1], [math]::round($_.CookedValue, 2))
catch {
#this will probably never be used
$memUsage = 0
$diskFree = 0
$isUp = $False
Processes = 0
OS = ""
Counters - @{}
Computername = $env:computername
MemoryUsage = $memUsage
DiskFree = $diskFree
Processes = $proc
IsUp = $IsUp
Uptime = ((Get-Date) - $os.LastBootUpTime).toString("d\.hh\:mm\:ss")
Counters = $counterhash
} #end scriptblock
#define a pssession option to speed up connections
$opt = New-PSSessionOption -OpenTimeout 1000 -MaxConnectionRetryCount 1
do {
#define the list of computers to test
#filter out blank lines and trim any spaces to clean up names.
#This should be a short list unless you increase the width of your console sessions
if (Test-Path -path $script:listPath ) {
$computers = Get-Content -Path $script:listpath |
Where-Object {$_ -match '\w+' -AND $_ -notmatch "#"} | Foreach-Object {$_.trim()} | Sort-Object
else {
#if path not found default to local computer
$computers = $env:computername
#make sure there are sessions for all computers in the list
$computers | Where-Object {(get-pssession).where( {$_.state -eq 'opened'}).computername -notcontains $_} |
ForEach-Object {
New-PSSession -ComputerName $_ -SessionOption $opt
#remove broken sessions
Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.state -eq 'broken'} | Remove-PSSession
$results = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb -HideComputerName -Session (Get-PSSession)
$global:rsHash.results = $results
$ = Get-Date
$global:rshash.computers = $computers
#set a sleep interval between tests
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
} While ($True)
}) # script
$pscmd.runspace = $newrunspace
} #catch
#guess at a line length
# get longest name so shorter names can be padded
$longest = ($global:rshash.computers | sort-object length -Descending | select-object -first 1).length
#account for a : after each name + character + value
#you may have to tweak this value to get everything to line up
#and it might depend on whether you are using the console or ISE
$len = $longest + 75
#display local computername and datetime
$dt = "`n {2} {0} {1} " -f (get-date).toshortdatestring(), (get-date).TolongTimeString(), $env:computername
Write-host $dt -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor gray
Write-Host "$($charhash.topleft)" -NoNewline
Write-Host ($($charHash.Border.ToString()) * $len ) -NoNewline
Write-Host $charHash.topRight
if ($global:rsHash.results) {
#create a hashtable from the results
$h = $global:rshash.results | Group-Object -Property Computername -AsHashTable -AsString
#sort the results by computername
foreach ($item in $global:rshash.computers) {
if ($h[$item]) {
$obj = $h[$item]
else {
#create a temporary object for computer that is not running but in the list
$obj = [pscustomobject]@{
Computername = $item.ToUpper()
Uptime = (New-TimeSpan).toString()
DiskFree = "00"
MemoryUsage = "00"
Processes = "00"
IsUp = $false
Write-Host " $($charhash.pointer) $(($obj.computername).padright($longest,' '))" -NoNewline
#only display results if computer is up
if ($obj.IsUp) {
Write-Host " $($charHash.Up)" -ForegroundColor green -NoNewline
$upfg = "green"
else {
Write-Host " $($charHash.down)" -ForegroundColor red -NoNewline
$upfg = "red"
if ($obj.IsUp) {
if ($obj.DiskFree -le 20) {
$diskfg = "red"
elseif ($obj.DiskFree -le 75) {
$diskfg = "yellow"
else {
$diskfg = "green"
if ($obj.MemoryUsage -le 30) {
$memfg = "red"
elseif ($obj.MemoryUsage -le 60) {
$memfg = "yellow"
else {
$memfg = "green"
#format counter data
$pctDiskTime = ("{0:N2}" -f $obj.counters.'% disk time').PadLeft(6, " ")
$fileControl = ($obj.counters.'file control operations/sec').ToString().Padleft(9, " ")
$pctProcTime = ("{0:N2}" -f $obj.counters.'% processor time').Padleft(6, " ")
Write-Host $obj.Uptime.padleft(12,' ') -ForegroundColor $upfg -NoNewline
Write-Host " $($charhash.disk)$(($obj.diskfree).toString().padleft(3,' '))%" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $diskfg
write-host " $($ $pctDiskTime" -NoNewline
write-host " fc$filecontrol" -NoNewline
write-host " $($charhash.ohm)$pctProcTime" -NoNewline
Write-Host " $($$($obj.MemoryUsage)%"-NoNewline -ForegroundColor $memfg
Write-Host " p$(($obj.Processes).tostring().padright(4,' '))" -NoNewline
write-host " $($charhash.bps) $($obj.counters.'bytes total/sec')"
else {
write-host " "
} #foreach
else {
Write-Host "Working..." -ForegroundColor yellow
Write-Host $charHash.BottomLeft -NoNewline
Write-Host ($($charHash.Border.ToString()) * $len ) -NoNewline
Write-Host $charHash.BottomRight
"PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "
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