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Last active July 31, 2023 21:33
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Use this command to compare module versions between what is installed against an online repository like the PSGallery. Results will be automatically sorted by module name.
#requires -version 5.0
Function Compare-Module {
Compare module versions.
Use this command to compare module versions between what is installed against an online repository like the PSGallery. Results will be automatically sorted by module name.
.Parameter Name
The name of a module to check. Wildcards are permitted.
Version: 1.2
Learn more about PowerShell:
PS C:\> Compare-Module | Where-objject {$_.UpdateNeeded}
Name : Azure
OnlineVersion : 1.5.1
InstalledVersion : 1.0.4
PublishedDate : 6/27/2016 6:50:11 PM
UpdateNeeded : True
Name : Azure.Storage
OnlineVersion : 1.1.4
InstalledVersion : 1.0.4
PublishedDate : 6/27/2016 6:48:07 PM
UpdateNeeded : True
Name : AzureRM
OnlineVersion : 1.5.1
InstalledVersion : 1.2.0
PublishedDate : 6/27/2016 7:08:50 PM
UpdateNeeded : True
PS C:\> Compare-Module | Where UpdateNeeded | Out-Gridview -title "Select modules to update" -outputMode multiple | Foreach { Update-Module $ }
Compare modules and send results to Out-Gridview. Use Out-Gridview as an object picker to decide what modules to update.
PS C:\> compare-module -name xWindows* | format-table
Name OnlineVersion InstalledVersion PublishedDate UpdateNeeded
---- ------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------
xWindowsEventForwarding 6/17/2015 9:46:32 PM False
xWindowsRestore 1.0.0 1.0.0 12/18/2014 4:22:42 AM False
xWindowsUpdate 5/18/2016 11:02:47 PM True
Compare all modules that start with xWindows and display results in a table format.
PS C:\> get-dscresource cAD* | Select moduleName -Unique | compare-module
Name : cActiveDirectory
OnlineVersion : 1.1.1
InstalledVersion : 1.0.1
PublishedDate : 6/23/2015 9:24:55 PM
UpdateNeeded : True
Get all DSC Resources that start with cAD and select the corresponding module name. Since the module name will be listed for every resource, get a unique list and pipe that to Compare-Module.
Position = 0,
[string]$Gallery = "PSGallery"
Begin {
Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
$progParam = @{
Activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
Status = "Getting installed modules"
CurrentOperation = "Get-Module -ListAvailable"
PercentComplete = 25
Write-Progress @progParam
} #begin
Process {
$gmoParams = @{
ListAvailable = $True
if ($Name) {
$gmoParams.Add("Name", $Name)
$installed = Get-Module @gmoParams
if ($installed) {
$progParam.Status = "Getting online modules"
$progParam.CurrentOperation = "Find-Module -repository $Gallery"
$progParam.PercentComplete = 50
Write-Progress @progParam
$fmoParams = @{
Repository = $Gallery
ErrorAction = "Stop"
if ($Name) {
$fmoParams.Add("Name", $Name)
Try {
$online = Find-Module @fmoParams
Catch {
Write-Warning "Failed to find online module(s). $($_.Exception.message)"
$progParam.status = "Comparing $($installed.count) installed modules to $($online.count) online modules."
$progParam.percentComplete = 80
Write-Progress @progParam
$data = $online | Where-Object {$ -contains $} |
Select-Object -property Name,
@{Name = "OnlineVersion"; Expression = {$_.Version}},
@{Name = "InstalledVersion"; Expression = {
#save the name from the incoming online object
$name = $_.Name
$installed.Where( {$ -eq $name}).Version -join ","}
@{Name = "UpdateNeeded"; Expression = {
$name = $_.Name
#there could me multiple versions installed
$installedVersions = $installed.Where( {$ -eq $name}).Version | Sort-Object
foreach ($item in $installedVersions) {
If ([version]$_.Version -gt [version]$item) {
$result = $True
else {
$result = $False
} | Sort-Object -Property Name
$progParam.PercentComplete = 100
$progParam.Completed = $True
Write-Progress @progparam
#write the results to the pipeline
else {
Write-Warning "No local module or modules found"
} #Progress
End {
Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
} #end
} #close function
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Modified to v1.1 to Sort locally installed version numbers before comparing them to online version.

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Thanks a lot for your Function,! but you compare version strings and not Version Objects.
Therefore, your code does not recognize that Version 11 is newer than Version 2:

C:\Temp> '' -gt ''
true # For versions, this result is wrong

This works:

C:\Temp> [version]'' -gt [version]''

Kind regards, Thomas

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This function has been incorporated in the PSScriptTools module.

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And as far as I can tell, my code is actually comparing version objects, not the strings.

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Turns out I was wrong. PowerShell works better when I force the comparison as [version] types. Updated this file and the version in the PSScriptTools module that will ship with v1.8.1

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