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Last active November 10, 2023 15:51
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A PowerShell function to get docker containers as objects.
#requires -version 5.1
Function Get-DockerContainer {
[cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "name")]
[Parameter(Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Enter a docker container name. The default is all running containers.", ParameterSetName = "name")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Get all containers, not just those that are running.", ParameterSetName = "all")]
Begin {
Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
#define a class for my docker container objects
Class myDockerContainer {
#define Finished as a generic object so it can be null or a datetime
[timespan] GetRuntime([datetime]$Start, [datetime]$End) {
return ($end - $start)
[string] GetImageName([string]$image) {
$val = (docker image inspect ($image -split ":")[1] --format "{{json .RepoTags}}") -replace '\[|\]|"', ""
return $val
[int] GetContainerSize() {
$stat = Get-Childitem $this.path -file -recurse | Measure-Object length -sum
$sz = docker ps -asf "name=$($" --format "{{json .}}" | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -expandproperty size
[regex]$rx = "\d+"
[int]$szbytes = $rx.match($sz).value
if ($this.mount) {
[int]$mnt = ($this.mount |
ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem -path $_.source -file -recurse } |
Measure-Object length -sum).sum
else {
$mnt = 0
$totalsz = $stat.sum + $szbytes + $mnt
return $totalsz
#the constructor
myDockerContainer ($Name) {
#get the docker installation directory
$dockpath = ((docker system info | Select-String "docker root dir") -split ": ")[1]
$json = docker container inspect $Name | ConvertFrom-Json
$this.Name = $Name.replace('"', '')
$this.Created = $json.Created
$this.ID = $json.ID
$this.IsRunning = $json.state.Running
#adjust date to localtime because PowerShell Core converts it differently than Windows PowerShell
$this.Started = ($json.state.startedat -as [datetime]).toLocalTime()
$this.Finished = if ($this.IsRunning) { $null } else {$json.state.finishedat -as [datetime]}
$this.Runtime = if ($this.IsRunning) { $this.GetRuntime($this.started, (Get-Date) )} else {$this.GetRuntime($this.started, $this.finished ) }
$this.State = $json.state.status
$this.image = $this.GetImageName($json.image)
$this.platform = $json.platform
$this.mount = $json.mounts
$this.Path = Join-Path -path $dockpath -childpath "containers\$($this.ID)"
$this.Size = $this.GetContainerSize()
} #close class
} #begin
Process {
if ($all) {
Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Getting all containers"
$names = docker container ls -a --no-trunc --format "{{json .Names}}"
elseif ($Name) {
Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Getting container $name"
$names = $Name
else {
Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Getting running containers"
$names = docker container ls --no-trunc --format "{{json .Names}}"
if ($names) {
foreach ($name in $names) {
Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Processing $name"
if (docker container ls -qaf Name=$name) {
else {
Write-Warning "Failed to find a container named $name"
} #foreach $Name
} #if $name
else {
Write-Warning "No containers found"
} #process
End {
Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
} #end
} #close function
#import a format file if found
$fmt = "C:\scripts\mydockercontainer.format.ps1xml"
if (Test-Path -path $fmt) {
Update-FormatData $fmt
sample usage
get-dockercontainer | select *
get-dockercontainer -all | format-table -view stats
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