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Created August 23, 2022 14:58
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A PowerShell set of functions for managing host private data
#requires -version 5.1
#for best results run these commands in a PowerShell console
Function Get-HostPrivateData {
PowerShell 7.2 uses $PSStyle which overwrites the
legacy $host.privatedata for some settings
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Starting command"
if ($psstyle.Formatting) {
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Using PSStyle formatting values"
$settings = "Error", "Warning", "Verbose", "Debug"
foreach ($item in $settings) {
$rawansi = $psstyle.Formatting.$item -replace "`e", ""
PSTypename = "PSHostPrivateData"
Host = $
Option = $item
TokenKind = $item
Setting = "PSStyle.Formatting.$item"
Value = '`e{0}' -f $rawansi
$rawansi = $ -replace "`e", ""
PSTypename = "PSHostPrivateData"
Host = $
Option = "Progress"
TokenKind = "Progress"
Setting = "PSStyle.Formatting.$item"
Value = '`e{0}' -f $rawansi
else {
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Using legacy host privatedata"
#regular expression to parse property name
[regex]$rx = "(Back|Fore).*"
$colorOptions = $host.PrivateData | Select-Object -Property *color
$ | ForEach-Object {
$token = $rx.split($[0]
if ($token -eq 'DefaultToken') {
$token = 'None'
PSTypename = "PSHostPrivateData"
Host = $
Option = $
TokenKind = $Token
Setting = $rx.match($
Value = $_.value
} #foreach color option
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Ending command"
} #end Get-HostPrivateData
Function Show-HostPrivateData {
#this command writes to the host
[OutputType("None", "System.String")]
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Starting command"
#this won't work properly in the ISE
if ($ -match "ISE") {
Write-Warning "This command will not work properly in the PowerShell ISE"
PowerShell 7.2 uses $PSStyle which overwrites the
legacy $host.privatedata for some settings
if ($PSStyle.Formatting) {
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Using PSStyle formatting values"
$settings = "Error", "Warning", "Verbose", "Debug"
foreach ($item in $settings) {
$rawansi = $psstyle.Formatting.$item -replace "`e", ""
$text = "This is a sample $($item)"
"`e{0}{1}`e[0m" -f $rawansi, $text
$rawansi = $ -replace "`e", ""
$text = "This is a sample Progress"
"`e{0}{1}`e[0m" -f $rawansi, $text
else {
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Using legacy PowerShell formatting values"
$data = Get-HostPrivateData | Group-Object -Property TokenKind | Sort-Object -Property Count
foreach ($item in $data) {
$text = "This is a sample $($"
$wh = @{
Object = $text.Trim()
if ($item.count -eq 1) {
$wh.Add("Foregroundcolor", $item.Group.Value)
else {
$ | ForEach-Object -Process {
foreach ($setting in $_) {
if ($setting.value -ne -1) {
$wh.add($setting.setting.value, $setting.value)
} #foreach $setting
Write-Host @wh
} #foreach item
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Ending command"
} #close Show-HostPrivateData
Function Test-HostPrivateData {
#results may be incomplete in PowerShell 7.2
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Starting command"
$streams = "Verbose", "Warning", "Debug"
foreach ($s in $streams) {
$text = "I am a sample $s stream"
$method = "Write$($s)Line"
# Error formatting is handled differently in PowerShell 7.2
$text = "I am a sample Error stream"
if ($psstyle.Formatting.Error) {
"{0}{1}{2}" -f $psstyle.formatting.Error, $text, $psstyle.Reset
else {
Read-Host "Press Enter to see a 2-second progress sample"
$progrec = [System.Management.Automation.ProgressRecord]::new(0, "Sample Activity", "Status Description")
$progrec.PercentComplete = 50
$progrec.CurrentOperation = "sample current operation"
1..2 | ForEach-Object { $host.ui.WriteProgress(100, $progrec); Start-Sleep 1 }
Write-Verbose "[$($myinvocation.mycommand)] Ending command"
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