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Last active November 26, 2019 21:18
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Save jdhitsolutions/b1cd5a88e804ea8b1770702f64a40b3a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An enhanced PowerShell prompt function that incorporates some of my other PowerShell modules to provide a daily management experience.
#requires -version 5.1
The complete version of the function also requires additional modules
which can be downloaded from the PowerShell Gallery.
If you prefer to
skip some of the features in this function you'll need to remove those lines
and modify the following requires statements.
The function requires a windows platform.
#requires -module PSCalendar
#requires -module myTickle
Function prompt {
$charHash = @{
Up = 0x25b2 -as [char]
Down = 0x25bc -as [char]
Try {
#verify there is a global hashtable variable
Get-Variable -Name rsHash -Scope global -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Catch {
#create the runspace and synchronized hashtable
$global:rsHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{Computername = $env:computername; results = ""; date = (Get-Date); computers = @()})
$newRunspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
#set apartment state if available
if ($newRunspace.ApartmentState) {
$newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
$newRunspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("rsHash", $rsHash)
$pscmd = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript( {
#define scriptblock to run remotely
$sb = {
Try {
$mem = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem -Property TotalVisibleMemorySize, FreePhysicalMemory -ErrorAction Stop -OperationTimeoutSec 2
$memUsage = ($mem.FreePhysicalMemory / $mem.TotalVisibleMemorySize) * 100 -as [int]
$disk = Get-CimInstance -Classname win32_logicaldisk -filter "deviceID = 'c:'" -Property DeviceID, Size, FreeSpace -ErrorAction Stop -OperationTimeoutSec 2
$diskFree = ($disk.FreeSpace / $disk.Size) * 100 -as [int]
#get a count of all processes except idle and system and subtract 1 for the remote connection
$proc = (Get-Process).Where( {$ -notmatch 'Idle|system'}).count - 1
$os = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem -Property lastbootupTime
$isUp = $True
catch {
#this will probably never be used
$memUsage = 0
$diskFree = 0
$isUp = $False
Processes = 0
OS = ""
Computername = $env:computername
MemoryUsage = $memUsage
DiskFree = $diskFree
Processes = $proc
IsUp = $IsUp
Uptime = ((Get-Date) - $os.LastBootUpTime).toString("d\.hh\:mm\:ss")
} #end scriptblock
#define a pssession option to speed up connections
$opt = New-PSSessionOption -OpenTimeout 1000 -MaxConnectionRetryCount 1
do {
$computers = $env:computername
23 January 2019
This version of the prompt is only querying the local computer so I have
commented out code that you would use to get information from remote computers.
#define a pssession option to speed up connections.
$opt = New-PSSessionOption -OpenTimeout 1000 -MaxConnectionRetryCount 1
$computers | Where-Object {(get-pssession).where( {$_.state -eq 'opened'}).computername -notcontains $_} |
ForEach-Object {
#make sure there are sessions for all computers in the list
New-PSSession -ComputerName $_ -SessionOption $opt
#remove broken sessions
Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.state -eq 'broken'} | Remove-PSSession
$ = Get-Date
$global:rshash.computers = $computers
#uncomment the other parameters if querying remote computers
$results = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb #-HideComputerName -Session (Get-PSSession)
#set a sleep interval between tests
$global:rsHash.results = $results
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
} While ($True)
}) # script
}) # script
$pscmd.runspace = $newrunspace
} #catch
#guess at a line length
#Note that this code is copied from other prompts that were displaying information
#from multiple computers. This version is only querying the local host but I'm
#leaving this since it doesn't break anything and you may want to go back to a version
#that queries other computers.
$names = ($global:rshash.computers | Measure-Object -Property length -sum).sum
#account for a : after each name + character + value
#you may have to tweak this value to get everything to line up
#and it might depend on whether you are using the console or ISE
$len = $names + (($global:rshash.computers.count) * 20) + 1
######### PSCALENDAR CODE #########
#display calendar
#check if y is greater than 3
if ($host.ui.RawUI.CursorPosition.y -le 10) {
$Y = $host.ui.RawUI.CursorPosition.Y
else {
$Y = $host.ui.RawUI.CursorPosition.Y - 3
$X = 75
Show-Calendar -position ([System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates]::new($X, $Y))
######### PSCALENDAR CODE #########
#display local computername and datetime
$dt = "{2} {0} {1} " -f (Get-Date).toshortdatestring(), (Get-Date).TolongTimeString(), $env:computername
Write-Host "`n " -NoNewline
Write-Host $dt -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor gray
######### TICKLE CODE #########
#get tickle events
$tickle = Get-TickleEvent -days 10
if ($tickle) {
#get length of longest event for padding purposes
$evtlen = ($tickle | sort-object {$_.event.length} -Descending)[0].event.length
foreach ($item in $tickle) {
#date time is formatted for North America
$evtString = " {0} {1:MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss} [{2}]" -f $item.event.padright($evtlen), $, $item.countdown.tostring("dd\.hh\:mm\:ss")
if ($item.countdown.totalhours -le 24) {
$fg = "red"
elseif ($item.countdown.TotalHours -le 48) {
$fg = "yellow"
else {
$fg = "green"
Write-Host $evtString -ForegroundColor $fg
######### TICKLE CODE #########
Write-Host "$([char]0x250c)" -NoNewline
Write-Host $(([char]0x2500).ToString() * $len ) -NoNewline
Write-Host $([char]0x2510)
Write-Host " " -NoNewline
if ($global:rsHash.results) {
#create a hashtable from the results
$h = $global:rshash.results | Group-Object -Property Computername -AsHashTable -AsString
#sort the results by computername
foreach ($item in $global:rshash.computers) {
if ($h[$item]) {
$obj = $h[$item]
else {
#create a temporary object for computer that is not running but in the list
$obj = [pscustomobject]@{
Computername = $item.ToUpper()
Uptime = (New-TimeSpan).toString()
DiskFree = "00"
MemoryUsage = "00"
Processes = "00"
IsUp = $false
if ($obj.DiskFree -le 20) {
$diskfg = "red"
elseif ($obj.DiskFree -le 75) {
$diskfg = "yellow"
else {
$diskfg = "green"
if ($obj.MemoryUsage -le 30) {
$memfg = "red"
elseif ($obj.MemoryUsage -le 60) {
$memfg = "yellow"
else {
$memfg = "green"
if ($obj.IsUp) {
Write-Host " $($charHash.Up)" -ForegroundColor green -NoNewline
$upfg = "green"
else {
Write-Host " $($charHash.down)" -ForegroundColor red -NoNewline
$upfg = "red"
Write-Host $obj.Uptime -ForegroundColor $upfg -NoNewline
Write-Host " $([char]0x058d)$($obj.diskfree)%" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $diskfg
Write-Host " $([char]0x3bc)$($obj.MemoryUsage)%"-NoNewline -ForegroundColor $memfg
Write-Host " p$($obj.Processes)" -NoNewline
} #foreach
else {
Write-Host "Working..." -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline
Write-Host " "
Write-Host $([char]0x2514) -NoNewline
Write-Host $(([char]0x2500).ToString() * $len ) -NoNewline
Write-Host $([char]0x2518)
"PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "
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