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funkman /
Created September 1, 2016 12:13
Remove all geometrixx (and other sample content) from AEM 6.2
curl -u admin:admin -X POST http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service/.json/etc/packages/adobe/aem6/sample/
sleep 2
curl -u admin:admin -X POST http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service/.json/etc/packages/adobe/aem6/sample/
sleep 2
curl -u admin:admin -X POST http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service/.json/etc/packages/aemfd/
sleep 2
daicham / .gitlab-ci.yml
Last active May 3, 2023 07:05
A sample of .gitlab-ci.yml for a gradle project
image: java:8-jdk
- build
- test
- deploy
# - echo `pwd` # debug
ItGumby / build.gradle
Last active October 11, 2017 07:28 — forked from ysb33r/gist:0c534d165863628a07cc
gradle build file for presentations from asciidoctor and deck.js
// You will need the VFS plugin
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.asciidoctor:asciidoctor-gradle-plugin:1.5.0'
classpath 'org.ysb33r.gradle:vfs-gradle-plugin:0.5'
classpath 'commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.1'
raultm /
Created November 11, 2013 23:05
Commands to convert Mavericks installer in Mavericks ISO Source :
# Source :
# Mount the installer image
hdiutil attach /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/install_app
# Convert the boot image to a sparse bundle
hdiutil convert /Volumes/install_app/BaseSystem.dmg -format UDSP -o /tmp/Mavericks
# Increase the sparse bundle capacity to accommodate the packages
hdiutil resize -size 8g /tmp/Mavericks.sparseimage
wsargent /
Last active June 27, 2024 15:58
Docker cheat sheet
sergeimuller / gist:2916697
Last active August 25, 2023 03:52
CQ5 curl commands
Note 1: The following CQ curl commands assumes a admin:admin username and password.
Note 2: For Windows/Powershell users: use two "" when doing a -F cURL command.
Example: -F"":operation=delete""
Note 3: Quotes around name of package (or name of zip file, or jar) should be included.
Uninstall a bundle (use http://localhost:4505/system/console/bundles to access the Apache Felix web console)
curl -u admin:admin -daction=uninstall http://localhost:4505/system/console/bundles/"name of bundle"
Install a bundle
curl -u admin:admin -F action=install -F bundlestartlevel=20 -F
robotarmy / Gemfile
Created March 23, 2012 23:55
Adding Rake to Sinatra with Rspec
gem 'sinatra'
group :development,:test do
gem 'rspec'
gem 'rack-test'
derekcollison / Cloud Foundry Production Updates
Created April 16, 2011 17:11
How to update your application in Cloud Foundry without dropping user requests..
# vmc update is great for test and development, however it stops your old app and stages and starts the new one,
# resulting in dropped requests.
# If you want to update an application without dropping user requests, see below.
# NOTE: This change assumes your application can share services, etc with the new version.
# Assume my app is named foo
vmc push foo-v2 --url