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Last active February 8, 2020 11:07
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Java heap dump script (currently for dev instances)
####################################################################### #############################
## ##
## provides a means for triggering Java heap records ##
## of the main JVM process on EC2 instances. ##
## Records will be added to a temporary directory in /var/temp ##
## and then transferred to an S3 bucket named ____ ##
## The program will trigger: ##
## -A heap dump ##
## -A thread dump ##
## -(where possible) a 30 second Java Flight Recording ##
## Single directory entries will be created in the S3 bucket ##
## with a 15 day ttl per created directory ##
## ##
#AWS environment variables:
aws="/usr/bin/aws" #determine path to command
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='us-west-2'
#array containing java processes to be targetted for heap data:
java_procs=($(jcmd | grep -v | sed 's/\([0-9]*\) .*/\1/')) #process ID
#create the temp directory namespace:
epoch=$(date +%s)
component=$(hostname -f | awk -F'-' '{print $1}')
version=$(dpkg -l | grep ${component:0:10} | awk -F' ' '{print $3}')
datacenter=$(hostname -f | awk -F'.' '{print $3}')
environment=$(hostname -f | awk -F'.' '{print $2}')
sphere='development' #determine whether or not a more programmatic approach is necessary on dogfood
#create absolute path to house temp directory and sub-dirs containing heapdumps
dir_path='/var/tmp' #path prefix for directory creation
mkdir ${temp_dir}
#if successful, echo $1
#otherwise echo error $2; run cleanup command
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
echo "$1"
echo "$2"
[[ $3 == "remove" ]] && rm -rf ${temp_dir}
[[ $4 == "quit" ]] && exit 1
- Function will iterate through java process numbers in `java_procs` array
- A sub-directory will be created within the temp directory path
- sub-directory name will be that of the target java process followed by PID
- Heap dump files will be added to sub-directory
- Final result: temp_dir/heap_dir/[thread_dump, heap_dump, jfr]
#command aliases pertaining to targetted Java process owner:
temp_owner=$(ps -u -p ${java_proc} --no-headers | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/+//') #abbreviated owner name
proc_own=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep ${temp_owner} | awk -F':' '{print $1}') #full process owner name
proc_id=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep ${proc_own} | awk -F':' '{print $3}') #process owner id number
proc_group_id=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep ${proc_own} | awk -F':' '{print $4}') #group id of process
#temporarily change ownership of temp directory for heap dumps
chown ${proc_own}:${proc_group_id} ${temp_dir}
#sub-directory being given naming convention: "process name"_"process id"
mkdir ${heap_dir}
chown ${proc_own}:${proc_group_id} ${heap_dir}
#creation of stdout/stderr strings for output:
jvm_unlock_out="JVM commercial features succesfully unlocked"
jvm_unlock_err="JCMD tools not available: JFR recording will be skipped"
heap_dump_out="Heap dump file:${heap_dir}/heapdump created succesfully"
heap_dump_err="Heap dump failed. Exiting"
thread_dump_out="Thread dump file:${heap_dir}/threaddump successfully created"
thread_dump_err="Thread dump failed. Exiting"
jfr_dump_out="Java Flight Recording written to ${heap_dir}/heaprecord.jfr"
jfr_dump_err="JFR tools not available per process ${java_proc}"
aws_transfer_out="Transfer successful"
aws_transfer_err="JFR tools not available per process ${java_proc}"
#unlock Vm commercial features:
sudo -s -u ${proc_own} jcmd ${java_proc} VM.unlock_commercial_features
cmd_exit "$jvm_unlock_out" "$jvm_unlock_err"
#heap dump to temp_dir:
sudo -s -u ${proc_own} jmap -dump:file="${heap_dir}/heapdump" ${java_proc}
cmd_exit "$heap_dump_out" "$thread_dump_err" remove quit
#thread-dump to temp_dir:
sudo -s -u ${proc_own} jcmd ${java_proc} Thread.print >> "${heap_dir}/threaddump"
cmd_exit "$thread_dump_out" "$thread_dump_err" remove quit
#create a JFR (to /var/tmp/test.jfr [30 second duration], not all instances appear to have this ability):
sudo -s -u ${proc_own} jcmd ${java_proc} JFR.start name=TestRecording settings=profile delay=2s \
duration=2s filename="${heap_dir}/heaprecord.jfr" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? == 0 ]];then
echo ${jfr_dump_out}
#the shell does not wait for the JFR recording to finish
#sleeping to ensure completion of recording
sleep 2
#a statement appended to end of recording, as a simple watermark of completion:
echo "\n#############END#############" >> ${heap_dir}/heaprecord.jfr
echo "$jfr_dump_err"
#some procs do not have JFR capability, will not exit in case of error
for i in ${java_procs[*]}; do
heap_dumps $i
##dump the folder to an S3 bucket, then remove the temp directory
${aws} s3 sync ${temp_dir} s3://${s3_bucket}/${dir_name}
cmd_exit "$aws_transfer_out" "$aws_transfer_err" remove quit
#remove the temporary directory:
[[ ! "$temp_dir" == '/' ]] && rm -rf "$temp_dir"
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Modified the script to handle connector instances (can have > 1 running Java process).

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