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Created May 9, 2022 22:38
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Package based livewire using Routes instead of using Livewire::component
return [
'vendor_dir' => './vendor/marketdragon/'
namespace MarketDragon\LivewireExtra;
use Exception;
use ReflectionClass;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo;
use Livewire\Component;
class LivewireComponentsFinder
protected $paths;
protected $files;
protected $manifest;
protected $manifestPath;
public function __construct(Filesystem $files, $manifestPath, $paths)
$this->files = $files;
$this->paths = $paths;
$this->manifestPath = $manifestPath;
public function find($alias)
$manifest = $this->getManifest();
return $manifest[$alias] ?? $manifest["{$alias}.index"] ?? null;
public function getManifest()
if (! is_null($this->manifest)) {
return $this->manifest;
if (! file_exists($this->manifestPath)) {
return $this->manifest = $this->files->getRequire($this->manifestPath);
public function build()
$this->manifest = $this->getClassNames()
->mapWithKeys(function ($class) {
return [$class::getName() => $class];
return $this;
protected function write(array $manifest)
if (! is_writable(dirname($this->manifestPath))) {
throw new Exception('The '.dirname($this->manifestPath).' directory must be present and writable.');
$this->files->put($this->manifestPath, '<?php return '.var_export($manifest, true).';', true);
public function getClassNames()
$files = [];
foreach($this->paths as $path)
if (is_dir($path)) {
foreach($this->files->allFiles($path) as $file) {
$files[] = $file;
return collect($files)
->map(function (SplFileInfo $file) {
if (preg_match('/app/', $file->getPath())) {
return app()->getNamespace() . str($file->getPathname())
->replace(['/', '.php'], ['\\', ''])
$filename = str_replace('.php', '', $file->getFilename());
return str_replace(' ', '', config('')) . '\\' . $filename . str($file->getPathname())
config('livewire-extra.vendor_dir') . strtolower($filename) . '/src'
], ['', '\\', ''])
})->filter(function (string $class) {
return is_subclass_of($class, Component::class) &&
! (new ReflectionClass($class))->isAbstract();
namespace MarketDragon\LivewireExtra;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Livewire\Commands\ComponentParser;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use MarketDragon\LivewireExtra\Commands\DiscoverLivewire;
class LivewireExtraServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register services.
* @return void
public function register()
* Bootstrap services.
* @return void
public function boot()
if ($this->app->runningInConsole()) {
__DIR__ . '/../config/livewire-extra.php', 'livewire-extra'
protected function registerComponentAutoDiscovery()
// Rather than forcing users to register each individual component,
// we will auto-detect the component's class based on its kebab-cased
// alias. For instance: '' => App\Http\Livewire\Examples\Foo
// We will generate a manifest file so we don't have to do the lookup every time.
$defaultManifestPath = $this->app['livewire']->isRunningServerless()
? '/tmp/storage/bootstrap/cache/livewire-components.php'
: app()->bootstrapPath('cache/livewire-components.php');
$this->app->singleton(LivewireComponentsFinder::class, function () use ($defaultManifestPath) {
$namespaces = config('md-admin.namespaces');
$packages = (new Filesystem)
$livewireDefault = ComponentParser::generatePathFromNameSpace(config('livewire.class_namespace'));
$livewirePackages = array_map(function($package) {
return $package . '/src/' . 'Http/Livewire/';
}, $packages);
$components = array_merge([$livewireDefault], $livewirePackages);
return new LivewireComponentsFinder(
new Filesystem,
config('livewire.manifest_path') ?: $defaultManifestPath,
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