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Forked from jgilchrist/
Created May 22, 2014 00:23
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network_failures 10.1145/2043164.2018477
comp_sci_ubiq 10.1145/159544.159617
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import os
import sys
import requests
import argparse
# This website allows information about a paper to be retrieved by accessing
doi_database_url = ""
# Matches a valid DOI
doi_matcher = re.compile('(10\.\d{4}[\d\:\.\-\/a-z]+)')
# Matches a [citation_key DOI] pair
key_file_matcher = re.compile('(\w+)\s+(10\.\d{4}[\d\:\.\-\/a-z]+)')
# Matches the beginning of a BibTeX entry
bibtex_key_matcher = re.compile('@\w+{(\w+),')
def main(filename):
"""Convert a file in the format [citation_key doi_key]* into a valid bibtex file"""
citation_key_to_doi = parse_file(filename)
citation_key_to_bib = get_all_bibliography_data(citation_key_to_doi)
bibtex_lines = replace_citation_keys(citation_key_to_bib)
(root, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
bibtex_file = root + ".bib"
with open(bibtex_file, 'w') as bib:
for citation in bibtex_lines:
print(citation, file=bib)
print("Wrote generated BibTeX file as {}".format(bibtex_file))
def parse_file(filename):
"""Parses a file in the format [citation_key doi_key]* into a dictionary {citation_key: doi_key}*"""
citation_key_to_doi = {}
f = open(filename)
lines = f.readlines()
for line_number, line in enumerate(lines, start=1):
parsed_line = parse_line(line_number, line)
if parsed_line is None:
# Line was blank, or a comment
citation_key, doi = parsed_line
# Don't allow duplicate citation keys
if citation_key in citation_key_to_doi:
sys.exit("Duplicate citation key: {} on line number {}".format(citation_key, line_number))
citation_key_to_doi[citation_key] = doi
print("Found {} citations in {}".format(len(citation_key_to_doi), filename))
return citation_key_to_doi
def parse_line(line_number, line):
"""Parses a single line, of the format [citation_key DOI]"""
if line.isspace():
return None
if line.startswith("#"):
# Found a comment
return None
parsed_line = key_file_matcher.match(line)
if not parsed_line:
sys.exit("Invalid line ({}) in file: {}".format(line_number, line.strip()))
citation_key, doi =, 2)
# Limit the length of citation keys
if len(citation_key) > 20:
sys.exit("Citation key '{}' is over 20 characters".format(citation_key))
if not doi_matcher.match(doi):
sys.exit("Invalid doi key.")
return citation_key, doi
def get_all_bibliography_data(citation_key_to_doi):
"""Takes a dict in the format {citation_key: doi_key}* and expands each doi key into its bibliography text"""
print("Retrieving bibliography data... ", end="")
key_to_bibliography = {}
for citation_key, doi in citation_key_to_doi.items():
bibliography_text = get_bibliography_text(doi)
key_to_bibliography[citation_key] = bibliography_text
return key_to_bibliography
def get_bibliography_text(doi):
"""Takes a single doi and retrieves the bibtex entry for the corresponding paper"""
full_url = doi_database_url + doi
headers = {'Accept': 'text/bibliography; style=bibtex'}
r = requests.get(full_url, headers=headers)
except Exception as e:
sys.exit("Network connection failed: {}".format(e))
r.encoding = "utf-8"
if r.status_code == 200:
elif r.status_code == 404:
sys.exit("Unknown doi key.")
sys.exit("Unhandled http response code: {}".format(r.status_code))
bibliography_text = r.text
bibliography_text = bibliography_text.strip()
return bibliography_text
def replace_citation_keys(key_to_bibliography):
"""Single the bibtex entry comes with a default citation key, we need to replace
this with the key specified in the file"""
bib_items = []
for citation_key in key_to_bibliography:
bib_text = key_to_bibliography[citation_key]
citation_key_match = bibtex_key_matcher.match(bib_text)
if not citation_key_match:
sys.exit("Ill formatted bibtex entry:\n{}".format(bib_text))
old_key =
new_bib = bib_text.replace(old_key, citation_key)
return bib_items
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Turn a file of [cite-key: DOI]* into a valid bibtex file')
parser.add_argument('file', type=str, help="The filename to parse")
args = parser.parse_args()
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