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Created October 16, 2013 05:36
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Implementation of the beta-geometric/NBD (BG/NBD) model from '"Counting Your Customers" the Easy Way: An Alternative to the Pareto/NBD Model' (Fader, Hardie and Lee 2005) and accompanying technical note
Implementation of the beta-geometric/NBD (BG/NBD) model from '"Counting Your Customers" the Easy Way: An Alternative to
the Pareto/NBD Model' (Fader, Hardie and Lee 2005) and
accompanying technical note
Apache 2 License
from math import log, exp
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.special import gammaln
__author__ = 'JD Maturen'
def log_likelihood_individual(r, alpha, a, b, x, tx, t):
"""Log of the likelihood function for a given randomly chosen individual with purchase history = (x, tx, t) where
x is the number of transactions in time period (0, t] and tx (0 < tx <= t) is the time of the last transaction"""
ln_a1 = gammaln(r + x) - gammaln(r) + r * log(alpha)
ln_a2 = gammaln(a + b) + gammaln(b + x) - gammaln(b) - gammaln(a + b + x)
ln_a3 = -(r + x) * log(alpha + t)
a4 = 0
if x > 0:
a4 = exp(log(a) - log(b + x - 1) - (r + x) * log(alpha + tx))
return ln_a1 + ln_a2 + log(exp(ln_a3) + a4)
def log_likelihood(r, alpha, a, b, customers):
"""Sum of the individual log likelihoods"""
# can't put constraints on n-m minimizer so fake them here
if r <= 0 or alpha <= 0 or a <= 0 or b <= 0:
return -np.inf
return sum([log_likelihood_individual(r, alpha, a, b, x, tx, t) for x, tx, t in customers])
def maximize(customers):
negative_ll = lambda params: -log_likelihood(*params, customers=customers)
params0 = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1.])
res = minimize(negative_ll, params0, method='nelder-mead', options={'xtol': 1e-8})
return res
def fit(customers):
res = maximize(customers)
if res.status != 0:
raise Exception(res.message)
return res.x
def cdnow_customer_data(fname):
data = []
with open(fname) as f:
for line in f:
data.append(map(float, line.strip().split(',')[1:4]))
return data
def main():
data = cdnow_customer_data('cdnow_customers.csv')
r, alpha, a, b = fit(data)
# fit according to the note
print r, alpha, a, b
print np.allclose([r, alpha, a, b], [.243, 4.414, .793, 2.426], 1e-2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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this is really great, thanks! Out of curiosity, have you ever though about implementing the Pareto/NBD model? Why'd you choose BG/NBD?

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Can't speak for the author, @jmwitten, but the Pareto model is much more computationally expensive which is why it is sparsely implemented. The authors of BG / NBD discuss this in this paper [PDF download from Wharton] if you'd like to see the details about the discrepancy and why this is the case.

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cam davidson's lifetimes library in python does both.

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I concur that the Pareto/NBD model takes much longer to run. Even the Lifetimes implementation (kudos to Cam and company for putting that one together and actively supporting it) takes at least three-fold as long to run for the same data set and doesn't deliver a measurable improvement in our experience.

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