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Last active February 19, 2022 20:12
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Circular-linear correlation for regressing onto circular phase variables based on the method established by: Kempter R, Leibold C, Buzsáki G, Diba K, Schmidt R. Quantifying circular-linear associations: hippocampal phase precession. J Neurosci Methods. 2012;207(1):113–24. doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2012.03.007.
Circular-linear correlation for regressing onto circular phase variables
based on the method established by:
Kempter R, Leibold C, Buzsáki G, Diba K, Schmidt R. Quantifying
circular-linear associations: hippocampal phase precession.
J Neurosci Methods. 2012;207(1):113–24.
Implemented By: @jdmonaco (github) / @j_d_monaco (twitter)
Last Updated: 2022-02-19
This software is provided AS IS under the terms of the Open Source MIT License.
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import scipy.special as sp
def phaseregress(x, theta):
Compute circular-linear regression of phase against e.g. distance.
return KempterPhaseCorrelation(x, theta).regress()
def circmean(theta, weights=None, binsize=None, axis=-1):
Mean resultant vector angle for a set of phase angles (or
binned angular data).
theta -- array of radian angle values
weights -- optional weights (i.e., for binned angle counts)
binsize -- optional bin size for bias correction of binned data
axis -- axis for averaging the input angles
array of mean resultant vector angles
if weights is None:
y_bar = np.sin(theta).sum(axis=axis) / theta.shape[axis]
x_bar = np.cos(theta).sum(axis=axis) / theta.shape[axis]
totw = weights.sum(axis=axis)
y_bar = np.sum(weights * np.sin(theta), axis=axis) / totw
x_bar = np.sum(weights * np.cos(theta), axis=axis) / totw
if binsize is not None:
correction = binsize / (2 * np.sin(binsize / 2))
y_bar *= correction
x_bar *= correction
return np.arctan2(y_bar, x_bar)
class KempterPhaseCorrelation(object):
Implementation of Kempter et al. (2012) circular-linear correlation.
def __init__(self, x, phase, maxslope=1.0):
x, phase = np.atleast_1d(x, phase)
valid = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(x), np.isfinite(phase))
self.phi = phase[valid]
self.x = x[valid]
self.xnorm = (self.x - self.x.min()) / self.x.ptp()
self.alim = (-maxslope, maxslope)
def regress(self):
"""Compute the circular-linear correlation.
(slope, intercept, correlation r, p-value) tuple
return 2 * np.pi * self.a_hat, self.phi0, self.rho_hat, self.p_value
def _R(self, a):
res = self.phi - 2 * np.pi * self.xnorm * a
return -1.0 * np.sqrt(np.cos(res).mean()**2 + np.sin(res).mean()**2)
def maximize_residuals(self):
"""Equation (1): Maximize residuals to estimate slope."""
res = opt.minimize_scalar(self._R, bounds=self.alim, method='bounded')
if not res.success:
print('Error: {}', res.message, error=True)
self.a_hat = 0.0
self.a_hat = res.x / self.x.ptp() # rescale to data range
def estimate_intercept(self):
"""Equation (2): Estimate the intercept."""
res = self.phi - 2 * np.pi * self.x * self.a_hat
self.phi0 = circmean(res)
def correlation_and_pvalue(self):
"""Equations (3-4): Calculate correlation strength and p-value."""
sdphi = np.sin(self.phi - circmean(self.phi))
sdphi2 = np.power(sdphi, 2)
theta = 2 * np.pi * np.abs(self.a_hat) * self.x
sdtheta = np.sin(theta - circmean(theta))
sdtheta2 = np.power(sdtheta, 2)
lambda20 = np.sum(sdphi2)
lambda02 = np.sum(sdtheta2)
lambda22 = np.sum(sdphi2 * sdtheta2)
self.rho_hat = (sdphi * sdtheta).sum() / np.sqrt(lambda20 * lambda02)
z = self.rho_hat * np.sqrt(lambda20 * lambda02 / lambda22)
self.p_value = sp.erfc(np.abs(z) / np.sqrt(2))
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