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Created November 29, 2019 07:08
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Vectorised sudoku solver in R
sudoku <- matrix( data = c(0,0,0,0,0,6,0,0,0
, byrow = TRUE
, ncol = 9
build_masks <- function( N ) {
N2 <- N * N
N12 <- as.integer( sqrt( N ) )
coords <- expand.grid( i = N )
, j = N )
coords$ii <- ( coords$i - 1L ) %/% N12 + 1L # block row
coords$jj <- ( coords$j - 1L ) %/% N12 + 1L # block column
coords$b <- with( coords, ii + ( jj - 1L ) * N12 )
bmasks <- matrix( rep( FALSE, N2 * N )
, ncol = N
for ( b in N ) ) {
bmasks[ , b ] <- b == coords$b
imasks <- matrix( rep( FALSE, N2 * N )
, ncol = N
for ( i in N ) ) {
imasks[ , i ] <- i == coords$i
jmasks <- matrix( rep( FALSE, N2 * N )
, ncol = N
for ( j in N ) ) {
jmasks[ , j ] <- j == coords$j
list( coords = coords
, bmasks = bmasks
, imasks = imasks
, jmasks = jmasks
#build_masks( 4L )
sudoku2 <- function( m ) {
if ( inherits( m, "sudoku2" ) ) return( m )
stopifnot( inherits( m, "matrix" ) )
stopifnot( ncol( m ) == nrow( m ) )
N <- ncol( m )
N12 <- as.integer( sqrt( N ) )
stopifnot( N == N12 * N12 )
class( m ) <- c( "sudoku2", class( m ) )
print.sudoku2 <- function( obj, ... ) {
cat( "\n" )
for ( i in 1:9 ) {
if ( i %in% c( 4, 7 ) ) {
cat("- - - + - - - + - - -\n")
cat( obj[ i, 1:3 ]
, "|"
, obj[ i, 4:6 ]
, "|"
, obj[ i, 7:9 ]
, "\n"
cat( "\n" )
solve_sudoku2 <-function( bo, masks ) {
# Find all empty cells
empties <- which( 0L == bo )
if ( 0L == length( empties ) ) {
# The board has been solved
return( sudoku2( bo ) )
eix <- length( empties )
e <- empties[ eix ]
N <- as.integer( sqrt( length( bo ) ) )
boards <- matrix( 0L, nrow = N * N, ncol = eix )
boards[ , eix ] <- bo
coords <- masks$coords
iv <- coords$i # row indices for each slot
jv <- coords$j # column indices for each slot
bv <- coords$b # block indices for each slot
bmasks <- masks$bmasks # block masks
imasks <- masks$imasks # row masks
jmasks <- masks$jmasks # column masks
# Attempt to solve iteratively
while ( 0L < eix ) { # while empties index is not used up...
# if have reached highest number in this location... rollup to next empties index
while ( N == boards[ e, eix ] ) {
if ( length( eix ) == eix ) {
return( NULL )
eix <- eix + 1L
e <- empties[ eix ]
boards[ e, eix ] <- boards[ e, eix ] + 1L # increment possible value for empty slot
board <-boards[ , eix ] # grab a copy of the board for testing
evalue <- board[ e ]
# Test for valid answers
if ( ( 1L == sum( evalue == board[ imasks[ , iv[ e ] ] ] ) ) # Check for only one matching entry in the row
&& ( 1L == sum( evalue == board[ jmasks[ , jv[ e ] ] ] ) ) # Check for only one matching entry in the column
&& ( 1L == sum( evalue == board[ bmasks[ , bv[ e ] ] ] ) ) # Check for only one matching entry in the block
) {
# If it works, try the next empty slot
eix <- eix - 1L
if ( 0 < eix ) {
e <- empties[ eix ]
boards[ , eix ] <- boards[ , eix + 1L ]
# return a sudoku2 object for perusal or possible printing
sudoku2( matrix( boards[ , 1L ], ncol = ncol( bo ) ) )
masks <- build_masks( ncol( sudoku ) ) # precompute the masks
solve_sudoku2( sudoku, masks ) # solve, use automatic printing
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