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Created January 15, 2013 16:54
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
# This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
# 2 of the License (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version.
# There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or implied,
# including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY,
# have received a copy of GPLv2 along with this software; if not, see
from pulp.plugins.types import database as types_db
from pulp.plugins.types.model import TypeDefinition
from pulp.server.db.model.repository import Repo, RepoContentUnit, RepoImporter
from pulp.server.db.migrate.models import _import_all_the_way
from pulp.server.managers import factory
from pulp_rpm.common import ids
import rpm_support_base
# Trimmed down versions of the type defs
TYPE_DEF_GROUP = TypeDefinition('package_group', '', '', ['id', 'repo_id'], [], [])
TYPE_DEF_CATEGORY = TypeDefinition('package_category', '', '', ['id', 'repo_id'], [], [])
class Migration0004Tests(rpm_support_base.PulpRPMTests):
def setUp(self):
super(Migration0004Tests, self).setUp()
# Special way to import modules that start with a number
self.migration = _import_all_the_way('pulp_rpm.migrations.0004_pkg_group_category_repoid')
types_db.update_database([TYPE_DEF_GROUP, TYPE_DEF_CATEGORY])
# Create the repositories necessary for the tests
self.source_repo_id = 'source-repo' # where units were copied from with the bad code
self.dest_repo_id = 'dest-repo' # where bad units were copied to
source_repo = Repo(self.source_repo_id, '')
Repo.get_collection().insert(source_repo, safe=True)
dest_repo = Repo(self.dest_repo_id, '')
Repo.get_collection().insert(dest_repo, safe=True)
source_importer = RepoImporter(self.source_repo_id, 'yum_importer', 'yum_importer', {})
RepoImporter.get_collection().insert(source_importer, safe=True)
dest_importer = RepoImporter(self.dest_repo_id, 'yum_importer', 'yum_importer', {})
RepoImporter.get_collection().insert(dest_importer, safe=True)
def tearDown(self):
super(Migration0004Tests, self).tearDown()
# Delete any sample data added for the test
def test_migrate_groups(self):
# Setup
orig_group_id = add_package_group('g1', self.source_repo_id)
associate_package_group(orig_group_id, self.source_repo_id)
associate_package_group(orig_group_id, self.dest_repo_id)
# Test
# Verify
# Verify a new group was created with the correct metadata
group_coll = types_db.type_units_collection(ids.TYPE_ID_PKG_GROUP)
all_groups = group_coll.find({}).sort('repo_id', 1)
self.assertEqual(2, all_groups.count())
dest_group = all_groups[0] # ordered by ID, this will be first
self.assertEqual(dest_group['id'], 'g1')
self.assertEqual(dest_group['repo_id'], self.dest_repo_id)
source_group = all_groups[1]
self.assertEqual(source_group['id'], 'g1')
self.assertEqual(source_group['repo_id'], self.source_repo_id)
# Verify the associations
query_manager = factory.repo_unit_association_query_manager()
source_units = query_manager.get_units(self.source_repo_id)
self.assertEqual(1, len(source_units))
self.assertEqual(source_units[0]['unit_type_id'], ids.TYPE_ID_PKG_GROUP)
self.assertEqual(source_units[0]['unit_id'], source_group['_id'])
dest_units = query_manager.get_units(self.dest_repo_id)
self.assertEqual(1, len(dest_units))
self.assertEqual(dest_units[0]['unit_type_id'], ids.TYPE_ID_PKG_GROUP)
self.assertEqual(dest_units[0]['unit_id'], dest_group['_id'])
def add_package_group(id, repo_id):
group_metadata = {'id' : id, 'repo_id' : repo_id,}
group_id = factory.content_manager().add_content_unit(
ids.TYPE_ID_PKG_GROUP, None, group_metadata)
return group_id
def associate_package_group(mongo_id, to_repo_id):
manager = factory.repo_unit_association_manager()
manager.associate_unit_by_id(to_repo_id, ids.TYPE_ID_PKG_GROUP, mongo_id, 'importer',
'yum_importer', update_unit_count=False)
def generate_package_group(id, repo_id):
# For now, I'm pretty sure the only relevant data is id and repo_id,
# but this may be flushed out with more group info if needed
return {'id' : id,
'repo_id' : repo_id,}
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