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Created July 29, 2011 10:17
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Generic Pathfinding implimentation
module Pathfinding
open Level
open Tools
(* a wrapper for mapPoint that can contain pathing data as per typical A* pathfinding *)
(* g = cost of path so far, h = estimated cost to goal, parent = tile we came here from *)
type PathingNode =
{point:MapPoint; h:float; g:float; parent:PathingNode option}
(* returns a pathnode based on a given map point *)
let pointToPathNode parent goal node = {point=node; h=node.Distance goal; g=(parent.g+1.0); parent=Some(parent)}
(* A 2D tile specific version of the A* algorithm *)
let pathFind
(map:Map) goal = aStar (fun n-> n.point) (fun n-> n.g) (fun n-> n.h) (fun n-> (map.GetNeighborsOf n.point)
|> List.filter(fun n-> n.value =0)
|> (pointToPathNode n goal)) goal
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