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Created July 29, 2011 10:23
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Tools for generic pathfinding
module Tools
open System
let sqr x = float(x * x)
let rec remove l predicate =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> if predicate(hd) then
(remove tl predicate)
hd::(remove tl predicate)
let loadMap path =
|> Array.filter(fun s -> s<> String.Empty)
|> s-> Int32.Parse(s.Replace(";",String.Empty)))
(* The A* Algorithm *)
let rec aStar value g h neighbors goal start (openNodes: 'a list) (closedNodes: 'a list) =
let f x:float = (g x)+(h x) (*f will be the value we sort open nodes buy *)
let isShorter nodeA nodeB = nodeA = nodeB && f nodeA < f nodeB
let rec checkNeighbors neighbors openNodeAcc =
match neighbors with
| [] -> openNodeAcc
| currentNode::rest ->
let likeCurrent = fun n -> (value n) = (value currentNode)
let containsCurrent = likeCurrent |> List.exists (* list contains likeCurrent *)
let checkNeighbors = checkNeighbors rest
(* The current node is a shorter path than than one we already have. *)
if openNodeAcc |> List.exists (isShorter currentNode) then
(* So remove the old one... *)
let shorterPath = remove openNodeAcc likeCurrent
(* ...and carry on with the new one. *)
checkNeighbors (currentNode::shorterPath)
(* The current node has not been queried *)
elif not(containsCurrent closedNodes) && not(containsCurrent openNodeAcc) then
checkNeighbors (currentNode::openNodeAcc) (* So add it to the open set *)
else checkNeighbors openNodeAcc (* else carry on *)
let nodes = neighbors openNodes.Head (* The next neighbors to work on *)
let pathToGoal = nodes |> List.tryFind (fun x -> (value x) = goal)
if pathToGoal.IsSome then pathToGoal (* Found the goal! *)
let nextSet =
checkNeighbors nodes openNodes.Tail
|> List.sortBy f (* sort open set by node.f *)
if nextSet.Length > 0 then (* Carry on pathfinding *)
aStar value g h neighbors goal start nextSet (nextSet.Head::closedNodes)
else None (* if there are no open nodes pathing has failed *)
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