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Created April 13, 2024 06:25
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Update the "h1:..." hashes in .terraform.lock.hcl
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script obtains the "h1:..." hashes for all platforms
# See
set -o errexit; set -o nounset; set -o pipefail
export GOBIN="${PWD}/bin" PATH="${PWD}/bin:${PATH}"; TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d)"
# Note: All modules in the lockfile MUST have zips for these platforms
PLATFORMS=("darwin/amd64" "darwin/arm64" "linux/amd64" "linux/arm64")
# Create simple "zip-h1-hash" tool to calculate h1 hash from zip files
echo "[setup] building zip-h1-hash binary"
(mkdir -p zip-h1-hash && cd zip-h1-hash && echo '
package main; import ( "fmt"; "os"; d "" )
func main() { h, _ := d.HashZip(os.Args[1], d.Hash1); fmt.Println(h) }
' > main.go && (go mod init zip-h1-hash 2>/dev/null || true) &&
go mod tidy 2>/dev/null && go install .)
# Local installation of "tq" (
echo "[setup] installing tq"
go install # v0.3.0
# Rewrite .terraform.lock.hcl h1 hash entires, one provider at a time
for provider in $(tq '.body.blocks[] | select(.type == "provider").labels[0]' .terraform.lock.hcl | sed 's|||'); do
version="$(tq '.body.blocks[] | select(.labels[0] == "'${provider}'").attributes["version"]' .terraform.lock.hcl | sed 's|"||g')"
echo "[provider:${provider}] version: ${version}"
for zh_hash in $(tq '.body.blocks[] | select(.labels[0] == "'${provider}'").attributes["hashes"]' .terraform.lock.hcl | grep 'zh:' | cut -d'"' -f 2); do
echo "[provider:${provider}] all zh hashes: ${zh_hashes[@]}"
for platform in ${PLATFORMS[@]}; do
echo "[provider:${provider}] fetching meta from ${meta_url}"
zip_url="$(curl -sL "${meta_url}" | jq -r .download_url)"
echo "[provider:${provider}] fetching zip from ${zip_url}"
out="$(basename "${zip_url}")"
curl -sLo "${TMPDIR}/${out}" "${zip_url}"
h1_hash="$(zip-h1-hash "${TMPDIR}/${out}")"
echo "[provider:${provider}] ${h1_hash} is the h1 hash for ${platform} based on ${out}"
echo "[provider:${provider}] all h1 hashes: ${h1_hashes[@]}"
for h in $(echo "${h1_hashes[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort); do v="${v}\n\\\"${h}\\\","; done
for h in $(echo "${zh_hashes[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort); do v="${v}\n\\\"${h}\\\","; done
echo -e "# This file is maintained automatically by \"make tf-lockfile\".\n" > .terraform.lock.hcl.tmp
tq '.body.blocks[] |= if (
.labels[0] == "'${provider}'"
) then (
.attributes["hashes"] = "['${v}'\n]"
) else . end' .terraform.lock.hcl >> .terraform.lock.hcl.tmp
mv .terraform.lock.hcl.tmp .terraform.lock.hcl
echo "[provider:${provider}] hashes updated in .terraform.lock.hcl"
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@secustor ah thank you. so need to unzip the files, then run DirHash? do you have a code example?

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