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Created February 15, 2023 00:33
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Write a dark comedy TV episode about an HR agency that brings dead heros back to life in order to go on one-off quests with other living members of the party
Episode Title: “The HR Agency From Beyond”
Opening Scene:
The camera pans through a grey, oppressive office building. A few people mingle in the hallways, but they seem to be dressed in the same drab, dark attire. There’s an air of unease in the building. We come to a black door with the words “HR agency” painted on the outside. Inside, we see a group of people gathered around a table. The camera zooms in on a woman with bright red hair.
Red Hair: Welcome to the HR agency. Our mission is to provide unique opportunities for the living and the dead. We bring back heroes from the past to help you in the present.
The camera pans around the room. We see a very strange mix of people - some living, some dead. They are all dressed in armor, holding swords and shields.
Red Hair: And today, we’re here to discuss our newest mission. We’re going to be sending a team of living and dead heroes on a quest. We need volunteers.
Everyone around the table looks hesitant, but one brave soul raises his hand.
Volunteer: I’ll do it!
Red Hair: Very well. We will be bringing back some of history’s greatest heroes to join you.
The group murmurs in awe.
Red Hair: Let’s get started.
The scene fades to black as the group gets to work.
End Scene.
In the next scene, the group is getting ready to set off on their mission. We see the living and the dead heroes, all gathered around the table. The Red-haired woman is giving them their final instructions.
Red Hair: Now, you all know the plan. You’ll be traveling to the underworld to retrieve a powerful artifact. Be careful, and don’t get yourselves killed.
The heroes look a bit afraid, but they all nod in agreement.
Red Hair: Good luck! Now go and show the world what heroes can do.
The heroes set off, and we watch as they battle their way through the underworld. Along the way, they encounter creatures, puzzles, and tests of strength. In the end, they are triumphant and return to the HR agency with the artifact.
Red Hair: You’ve done it! You’ve accomplished your mission. Now, it’s time to say goodbye to our brave heroes.
The camera zooms in on the faces of the living and the dead. We hear a collective sob as the dead heroes return to the afterlife.
Red Hair: But don’t worry, they’ll always be remembered.
The camera pulls back to show the group standing in the office. Everyone is smiling, despite the sadness.
Red Hair: And, who knows? They might come back to help us with another mission someday.
The camera zooms out again and we see the HR agency from outside, with a bright light burning in the windows.
Fade to black.
The End.
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