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Created November 14, 2019 23:20
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import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Context;
class Paths {
public static macro function toPath(value) {
var en = switch Context.follow(Context.typeof(value)) {
case TEnum(_.get() => en, _): en;
case _: throw new Error("not an enum", value.pos);
var cases = new Array<Case>();
for (ctorName in en.names) {
var field = en.constructs[ctorName];
var ctorIdent = macro $i{ctorName};
var urlParts = [];
var path_override = field.meta.has("path") ? {
var k = field.meta.extract("path")[0];
var path_expr = k.params[0].expr;
var path = switch(path_expr){
case EConst(CString(str)) : {
case _ : {
urlParts = [macro $v{ctorName}];
} : null;
switch field.type {
case TEnum(_):
values: [ctorIdent],
expr: macro $v{ctorName}
case TFun(args, _):
var capturedNames = [];
for (arg in args) {
switch Context.followWithAbstracts(arg.t){
case TInst(ct,[]) : {
var argIdent = macro $i{};
if (path_override == null){
urlParts.push(macro $v{});
} else {
urlParts.push(macro $v{path_override});
case TEnum(enm, []) :{
var argIdent = macro $i{};
if (path_override == null){
urlParts.push(macro Paths.toPath($argIdent));
} else {
urlParts.push(macro $v{path_override});
case _ : {
values: [macro $ctorIdent($a{capturedNames})],
expr: macro $a{urlParts}.join("/")
case _:
throw "assert";
return {
pos: Context.currentPos(),
expr: ESwitch(value, cases, null)
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