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Last active December 27, 2015 12:19
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coffee to JS - which is easier to read?
PWFE.TabbedContentRotator = function() {};
PWFE.TabbedContentRotator.prototype = {
tabCount: 0,
init : function(tabCount, tabCompId, currentPagePath, resourcePath) {
var self = this;
if(tabCount) self.tabCount = tabCount;
if(tabCompId) self.tabCompId = tabCompId;
if(currentPagePath) self.currentPagePath = currentPagePath;
if(resourcePath) self.resourcePath = resourcePath;
$("#"+self.tabCompId).tabs({spinner:'Retrieving data...'});
setHeight: function(tabHeight) {
var self = this;
$("#"+self.tabCompId+" > div [id^='"+self.tabCompId+"_tab'][class*='ui-tabs-panel']").css("height",tabHeight+"px");
$("#"+self.tabCompId+" > div [id^='"+self.tabCompId+"_tab'][class*='ui-tabs-panel']").css("overflow","auto");
setOrientation: function(tabOrientation) {
var self = this;
$("#"+self.tabCompId).tabs().addClass('tabs-'+tabOrientation+' ui-helper-clearfix');
$("#"+self.tabCompId+" li").removeClass('ui-corner-all ui-corner-top').addClass('ui-corner-'+tabOrientation);
setRandomization: function() {
var self = this;
var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*self.tabCount);
setRotation: function(rotationDelay) {
var self = this;
var isMouseAtPanel = false;
//set mouseover and mouseout effect on tab panel (tab content body)
$("#"+self.tabCompId+" > div [id^='"+self.tabCompId+"_tab'][class*='ui-tabs-panel']").hoverIntent(function(){
$("#"+self.tabCompId).tabs('rotate', 0, true);
isMouseAtPanel = true;
//console.log("mouseover at tab panel element..");
$("#"+self.tabCompId).tabs({fx:{opacity:'toggle'}}).tabs('rotate', rotationDelay*1000, true);
isMouseAtPanel = false;
//set mouseover and mouseout effect on tab head elements (li)..
//mouseIntent fixes issue of not opening the correct element
$("#"+self.tabCompId+" ul li").hoverIntent({timeout:300, over:function(){
$("#"+self.tabCompId).tabs('rotate', 0, true);
$("#"+self.tabCompId).tabs('select', $(this).attr("myid"));
//console.log("mouseout at tab heading element...");
if(!isMouseAtPanel) {
$("#"+self.tabCompId).tabs({fx:{opacity:'toggle'}}).tabs('rotate', rotationDelay*1000, true);
//start rotation
$("#"+self.tabCompId).tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", rotationDelay*1000, true);
/* This is to fix the issue of jumping page during rotation */
$("#"+self.tabCompId).tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle' },
select: function(event, ui) {
$(this).css('height', $(this).height());
$(this).css('overflow', 'hidden');
show: function(event, ui) {
$(this).css('height', 'auto');
$(this).css('overflow', 'visible');
registerAddTabHandler: function() {
var self = this;
$('#'+self.tabCompId+'_addTab').click(function() {
dataType: 'html',
url: self.currentPagePath + '/_jcr_content._managetabs.html',
cache: false,
timeout: 30000,
data: {resPath: self.resourcePath, action:'addTab'},
success: function(data) {
reloadOnTabShow: function(tabIndex) {
var self = this;
$('#'+self.tabCompId).tabs("select", tabIndex);
$('#'+self.tabCompId).bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
document.location.href= self.currentPagePath+'.html?'+self.tabCompId+'_tabIndex=';
PWFE.TabbedContentRotator = ->
PWFE.TabbedContentRotator:: =
IDPROP : "myid"
POPPED : "popped"
DIR_RIGHT : "right"
DIR_LEFT : "left"
init: (@tabCount, @tabCompId, @currentPagePath, @resourcePath, @prefix, @hash) ->
@tabIndex = @grabSelectedFromHash()
@tabOrientation = ""
@itemsInView = []
@allItems = []
if @tabIndex.length > 0 and isNaN(@tabIndex) is false and @tabIndex >= 0
$("#" + @tabCompId).tabs
spinner: "Retrieving data..."
selected: @tabIndex
$("#" + @tabCompId).tabs spinner: "Retrieving data..."
$("#" + @tabCompId + "_addTab").css "cursor", "pointer"
delayAlert : -> x = setTimeout("$(window).resize()", 500)
#This should only be used when in edit mode, obviously
enableSortable: ->
self = this
selector = "#" + self.tabCompId + " .ui-tabs-nav"
items: "li:not(.ui-state-disabled)"
update: (event, ui) ->
thisID = $(ui.item).attr("nodePath")
thisParent = $(ui.item).attr("parentPath")
next = $(ui.item).next().attr("nodePath")
params = "cmd=movePage" + "&_charset_=utf-8" + "&srcPath=" + thisID + "&destParentPath=" + (thisParent += "&before=")
params += "&destParentPath=" + (thisParent += "&before=")
params += next if next?
if (thisID?) and (thisParent?)
response ="/bin/wcmcommand?" + params)
ok = response.headers.Status and response.headers.Status is "200"
unless ok
$("#containerBottom_tabs .ui-tabs-nav").sortable "destroy"
CQ.Notification.notify "Tabs Component ", "<div style=\"color:#ff0000\">Error moving tab - temporarily turning off sorting capability</div>", 2
new PWFE.TabbedContentRotator().refreshTabs()
if ok
self.tabIndex = $(ui.item).index()
self.hash = parent.document.location.hash
self.updateHash $(ui.item).index()
new PWFE.TabbedContentRotator().refreshTabs()
CQ.Notification.notify "Tabs Component ", "Move Successful! <br> <b>A page refresh may be necessary to continue editing the content</b>", 2
#Returns the current <li> tab, that is active. Different than @grabSelectedFromHash
getSelected: ->
self = this
for item,i in @getContentTabs()
return $(item) if $(item).hasClass("ui-state-active")
#Content tab <li>s have the class 'data-item' on them, the poppers do not
getContentTabs: -> $("#" + @tabCompId + " ul li").filter (tab,elem) -> $(elem).hasClass("data-item")
#Every time a tab is hidden, the popped attribute should be set to false o removed
getUnPoppedTabs:(listitems)-> $(listitems).filter (tab,elem) -> $(elem).attr("popped") != "true"
#Including poppers, etc
getVisibleTabs: -> $("#" + @tabCompId + " ul li").filter (tab,elem) -> $(elem).is(":visible")
grabSelectedFromHash: ->
self = this
hashes = self.hash.split("#")
i = 0
while i < hashes.length
innersplit = hashes[i].split(self.prefix + "_")
return hashes[i].replace(self.prefix + "_", "") if innersplit.length is 2 and not isNaN(innersplit[1])
hidePopper :(direction) ->
switch direction
when @DIR_RIGHT then $("#" + @tabCompId + "_popright").hide().attr(self.POPPED,true).attr("poppedDirection",direction).attr("lastChangedBy","hidePopper")
when @DIR_LEFT then $("#" + @tabCompId + "_popleft").hide().attr(self.POPPED,true).attr("poppedDirection",direction).attr("lastChangedBy","hidePopper")
# Moves the tabs right or left, and selects the next or previous tab
pop:(direction) ->
self = this
listitems = self.getContentTabs()
itemsinview = self.getUnPoppedTabs(listitems)
firstVisID = $(itemsinview.first()).attr(@IDPROP)
lastVisID = $(itemsinview.last()).attr(@IDPROP)
for item,i in listitems
switch direction
when self.DIR_RIGHT
if $(listitems[i+1]).length == 1 and $(item).attr(self.IDPROP) == lastVisID
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs("select",self.tabIndex + 1)
when self.DIR_LEFT
if $(listitems[i-1]).length == 1 and $(item).attr(self.IDPROP) == firstVisID
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs("select",self.tabIndex - 1)
refreshTabs: -> $("button:contains('--Refresh Tabs--')").click()
registerAddTabHandler: ->
self = this
$("#" + self.tabCompId + "_addTab").click ->
dataType: "html"
url: self.currentPagePath + "/_jcr_content._managetabs.html"
cache: false
timeout: 30000
resPath: self.resourcePath
action: "addTab"
success: (data) ->
$("button:contains('--Refresh Tabs--')").click()
CQ.Notification.notify "Tabs Component ", "Tab Added! <br> <b>A page refresh may be necessary to continue editing the content</b>", 2
registerHashUpdate: ->
self = this
$("#" + self.tabCompId).bind "tabsselect", (event, ui) ->
self.hash = parent.document.location.hash
self.tabIndex = ui.index
self.updateHash self.tabIndex
registerPoppers : ->
self = this
$("#" + self.tabCompId + "_popright a").click -> self.pop(self.DIR_RIGHT)
$("#" + self.tabCompId + "_popleft a").click -> self.pop(self.DIR_LEFT)
reloadOnTabShow: ->
self = this
$("#" + self.tabCompId).bind "tabsselect", (event, ui) ->
parent.document.location.href = self.currentPagePath + ".html#" + self.prefix + "_" + ui.index
#This method should really only be called once, after all the plumbing / setup / init
responsify: ->
self = this
@originalTabOrientation = @tabOrientation #So we can revert to the original
listitems = @getContentTabs()
$(window).resize ->
if document.body.clientWidth < 1000
self.setOrientation ""
objwidth = 0
for item,i in listitems
objwidth += $(item).offset().left if i is 0
objwidth += $(item).outerWidth(true)
if objwidth >= $(item).parent().width() or objwidth >= document.body.clientWidth
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs("select", self.tabIndex - 1) if $(item).index() is self.tabIndex
self.setOrientation self.originalTabOrientation
$(item).show().attr(self.POPPED,false).attr("lastChangedBy","responsify") for item in listitems
@delayAlert() #BAND AID, not necessary in all browsers
setHeight: (tabHeight) ->
$("#" + @tabCompId + " > div [id^='" + @tabCompId + "_tab'][class*='ui-tabs-panel']").css "height", tabHeight + "px"
$("#" + @tabCompId + " > div [id^='" + @tabCompId + "_tab'][class*='ui-tabs-panel']").css "overflow", "auto"
setOrientation: (tborient) ->
DEFAULT_TOP_LI_CLASSES = "ui-corner-all ui-corner-top"
$("#" + @tabCompId).removeClass "tabs-" + @tabOrientation + " ui-helper-clearfix"
$("#" + @tabCompId + " li").removeClass DEFAULT_TOP_LI_CLASSES
@tabOrientation = tborient
if @tabOrientation isnt ""
$("#" + @tabCompId).tabs().addClass "tabs-" + @tabOrientation + " ui-helper-clearfix"
$("#" + @tabCompId + " li").addClass "ui-corner-" + tborient
$("#" + @tabCompId).tabs()
setRandomization: ->
randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * @tabCount)
$("#" + @tabCompId).tabs "select", randomnumber
setRotation: (rotationDelay) ->
self = this
isMouseAtPanel = false
$("#" + self.tabCompId + " > div [id^='" + self.tabCompId + "_tab'][class*='ui-tabs-panel']").hoverIntent (->
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs "rotate", 0, true
isMouseAtPanel = true
), ->
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs(fx:
opacity: "toggle"
).tabs "rotate", rotationDelay * 1000, true
isMouseAtPanel = false
$("#" + self.tabCompId + " ul li").hoverIntent
timeout: 300
over: ->
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs "rotate", 0, true
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs "select", $(this).attr(self.IDPROP)
out: ->
unless isMouseAtPanel
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs(fx:
opacity: "toggle"
).tabs "rotate", rotationDelay * 1000, true
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs(fx:
opacity: "toggle"
).tabs "rotate", rotationDelay * 1000, true
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs
opacity: "toggle"
select: (event, ui) ->
$(this).css "height", $(this).height()
$(this).css "overflow", "hidden"
show: (event, ui) ->
$(this).css "height", "auto"
$(this).css "overflow", "visible"
showPopper : (direction) ->
switch direction
when @DIR_RIGHT then $("#" + @tabCompId + "_popright").show().attr(self.POPPED,false).attr("poppedDirection",direction).attr("lastChangedBy","showPopper")
when @DIR_LEFT then $("#" + @tabCompId + "_popleft").show().attr(self.POPPED,false).attr("poppedDirection",direction).attr("lastChangedBy","showPopper")
#Updates the hash in the URL
updateHash: (index) ->
self = this
linkHashIndex = -1
hashes = self.hash.split("#")
i = 0
for hash,i in hashes
if hash.indexOf(self.prefix) > -1
linkHashIndex = i
hashes[i] = self.prefix + "_" + index
p_d_l = parent.document.location
if linkHashIndex > -1 then p_d_l.hash = hashes.join("#") else p_d_l.href = p_d_l.href + "#" + self.prefix + "_" + index
#This will make sure the proper (left or right) popper is in view
updatePopper:() ->
listitems = @getContentTabs()
itemsinview = @getUnPoppedTabs(listitems)
hasMore = $(listitems).last().attr(@IDPROP) != $(itemsinview).last().attr(@IDPROP)
if hasMore then @showPopper(@DIR_RIGHT) else @hidePopper(@DIR_RIGHT)
hasLess = $(listitems).first().attr(@IDPROP) != $(itemsinview).first().attr(@IDPROP)
if hasLess then @showPopper(@DIR_LEFT) else @hidePopper(@DIR_LEFT)
#This will make sure that the current selected tab is within view. It's a relatively heavy operation
updateVisibleTabs:() ->
contentwidth = 0
selected = @getSelected()
listitems = @getContentTabs()
itemsinview = @getUnPoppedTabs(listitems)
# First we go through all of the visible tabs to determine the content's total width, only with the poppers (left / right)
for item,i in @getVisibleTabs()
contentwidth += $(item).offset().left if i is 0
contentwidth += $(item).outerWidth(true) if $(item).hasClass(@POPPER_CSS_CLASS)
# Secondly we go through all of the visible tabs that are NOT poppers. These will be safe to remove, the poppers are not
for item,i in @getVisibleTabs()
if !$(item).hasClass(@POPPER_CSS_CLASS)
contentwidth += $(item).outerWidth(true)
if contentwidth >= $(item).parent().width() or contentwidth >= document.body.clientWidth
#The idea here is we want to pop the tabs until the one selected is visible
if selected and !$(selected).is(":visible")
id = $(selected).attr(@IDPROP)
# depends on which way it's out of the visible content
switchdir = @DIR_RIGHT if $("#" + @tabCompId + " li[myid='"+ id + "']").index() > $(itemsinview).last().index()
switchdir = @DIR_LEFT if $("#" + @tabCompId + " li[myid='"+ id + "']").index() < $(itemsinview).first().index()
if switchdir?.length > 1
for tab,i in $(itemsinview) #tried a while loop, but am afraid of an infinite loop crashing the browser
@pop(switchdir) unless $("#" + @tabCompId + " li[myid='"+ id + "']").is(":visible") or $("#" + @tabCompId + " li[myid='"+ id + "']").attr(@POPPED) is "false"
PWFE.TabbedContentRotator = function() {};
PWFE.TabbedContentRotator.prototype = {
IDPROP: "myid",
POPPED: "popped",
DIR_RIGHT: "right",
DIR_LEFT: "left",
init: function(tabCount, tabCompId, currentPagePath, resourcePath, prefix, hash) {
this.tabCount = tabCount;
this.tabCompId = tabCompId;
this.currentPagePath = currentPagePath;
this.resourcePath = resourcePath;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.hash = hash;
this.tabIndex = this.grabSelectedFromHash();
this.tabOrientation = "";
this.itemsInView = [];
this.allItems = [];
if (this.tabIndex.length > 0 && isNaN(this.tabIndex) === false && this.tabIndex >= 0) {
$("#" + this.tabCompId).tabs({
spinner: "Retrieving data...",
selected: this.tabIndex
} else {
$("#" + this.tabCompId).tabs({
spinner: "Retrieving data..."
$("#" + this.tabCompId + "_addTab").css("cursor", "pointer");
return this.registerPoppers();
delayAlert: function() {
var x;
return x = setTimeout("$(window).resize()", 500);
enableSortable: function() {
var selector, self;
self = this;
selector = "#" + self.tabCompId + " .ui-tabs-nav";
return $(selector).sortable({
items: "li:not(.ui-state-disabled)",
update: function(event, ui) {
var next, ok, params, response, thisID, thisParent;
thisID = $(ui.item).attr("nodePath");
thisParent = $(ui.item).attr("parentPath");
next = $(ui.item).next().attr("nodePath");
params = "cmd=movePage" + "&_charset_=utf-8" + "&srcPath=" + thisID + "&destParentPath=" + (thisParent += "&before=");
params += "&destParentPath=" + (thisParent += "&before=");
if (next != null) {
params += next;
if ((thisID != null) && (thisParent != null)) {
response ="/bin/wcmcommand?" + params);
ok = response.headers.Status && response.headers.Status === "200";
if (!ok) {
$("#containerBottom_tabs .ui-tabs-nav").sortable("destroy");
CQ.Notification.notify("Tabs Component ", "<div style=\"color:#ff0000\">Error moving tab - temporarily turning off sorting capability</div>", 2);
new PWFE.TabbedContentRotator().refreshTabs();
if (ok) {
self.tabIndex = $(ui.item).index();
self.hash = parent.document.location.hash;
new PWFE.TabbedContentRotator().refreshTabs();
return CQ.Notification.notify("Tabs Component ", "Move Successful! <br> <b>A page refresh may be necessary to continue editing the content</b>", 2);
getSelected: function() {
var i, item, self, _i, _len, _ref;
self = this;
_ref = this.getContentTabs();
for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
item = _ref[i];
if ($(item).hasClass("ui-state-active")) {
return $(item);
getContentTabs: function() {
return $("#" + this.tabCompId + " ul li").filter(function(tab, elem) {
return $(elem).hasClass("data-item");
getUnPoppedTabs: function(listitems) {
return $(listitems).filter(function(tab, elem) {
return $(elem).attr("popped") !== "true";
getVisibleTabs: function() {
return $("#" + this.tabCompId + " ul li").filter(function(tab, elem) {
return $(elem).is(":visible");
grabSelectedFromHash: function() {
var hashes, i, innersplit, self;
self = this;
hashes = self.hash.split("#");
i = 0;
while (i < hashes.length) {
innersplit = hashes[i].split(self.prefix + "_");
if (innersplit.length === 2 && !isNaN(innersplit[1])) {
return hashes[i].replace(self.prefix + "_", "");
return 0;
hidePopper: function(direction) {
switch (direction) {
case this.DIR_RIGHT:
return $("#" + this.tabCompId + "_popright").hide().attr(self.POPPED, true).attr("poppedDirection", direction).attr("lastChangedBy", "hidePopper");
case this.DIR_LEFT:
return $("#" + this.tabCompId + "_popleft").hide().attr(self.POPPED, true).attr("poppedDirection", direction).attr("lastChangedBy", "hidePopper");
pop: function(direction) {
var firstVisID, i, item, itemsinview, lastVisID, listitems, self, _i, _len;
self = this;
listitems = self.getContentTabs();
itemsinview = self.getUnPoppedTabs(listitems);
firstVisID = $(itemsinview.first()).attr(this.IDPROP);
lastVisID = $(itemsinview.last()).attr(this.IDPROP);
for (i = _i = 0, _len = listitems.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
item = listitems[i];
switch (direction) {
case self.DIR_RIGHT:
if ($(listitems[i + 1]).length === 1 && $(item).attr(self.IDPROP) === lastVisID) {
$(listitems[i + 1]).show().attr(self.POPPED, false).attr("poppedDirection", direction).attr("lastChangedBy", "pop");
$(itemsinview).first().hide().attr(self.POPPED, true).attr("poppedDirection", direction).attr("lastChangedBy", "pop");
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs("select", self.tabIndex + 1);
case self.DIR_LEFT:
if ($(listitems[i - 1]).length === 1 && $(item).attr(self.IDPROP) === firstVisID) {
$(listitems[i - 1]).show().attr(self.POPPED, false).attr("poppedDirection", direction).attr("lastChangedBy", "pop");
$(itemsinview).last().hide().attr(self.POPPED, true).attr("poppedDirection", direction).attr("lastChangedBy", "pop");
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs("select", self.tabIndex - 1);
return self.updatePopper();
refreshTabs: function() {
return $("button:contains('--Refresh Tabs--')").click();
registerAddTabHandler: function() {
var self;
self = this;
return $("#" + self.tabCompId + "_addTab").click(function() {
return $.ajax({
dataType: "html",
url: self.currentPagePath + "/_jcr_content._managetabs.html",
cache: false,
timeout: 30000,
data: {
resPath: self.resourcePath,
action: "addTab"
success: function(data) {
$("button:contains('--Refresh Tabs--')").click();
return CQ.Notification.notify("Tabs Component ", "Tab Added! <br> <b>A page refresh may be necessary to continue editing the content</b>", 2);
registerHashUpdate: function() {
var self;
self = this;
return $("#" + self.tabCompId).bind("tabsselect", function(event, ui) {
self.hash = parent.document.location.hash;
self.tabIndex = ui.index;
return self.updateHash(self.tabIndex);
registerPoppers: function() {
var self;
self = this;
$("#" + self.tabCompId + "_popright a").click(function() {
return self.pop(self.DIR_RIGHT);
return $("#" + self.tabCompId + "_popleft a").click(function() {
return self.pop(self.DIR_LEFT);
reloadOnTabShow: function() {
var self;
self = this;
return $("#" + self.tabCompId).bind("tabsselect", function(event, ui) {
return parent.document.location.href = self.currentPagePath + ".html#" + self.prefix + "_" + ui.index;
responsify: function() {
var listitems, self;
self = this;
this.originalTabOrientation = this.tabOrientation;
listitems = this.getContentTabs();
$(window).resize(function() {
var i, item, objwidth, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _results;
if (document.body.clientWidth < 1000) {
objwidth = 0;
for (i = _i = 0, _len = listitems.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
item = listitems[i];
if (i === 0) {
objwidth += $(item).offset().left;
objwidth += $(item).outerWidth(true);
if (objwidth >= $(item).parent().width() || objwidth >= document.body.clientWidth) {
if ($(item).index() === self.tabIndex) {
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs("select", self.tabIndex - 1);
$(item).hide().attr(self.POPPED, true).attr("lastChangedBy", "responsify");
} else {
$(item).show().attr(self.POPPED, false).attr("lastChangedBy", "responsify");
return self.updateVisibleTabs();
} else {
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = listitems.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
item = listitems[_j];
_results.push($(item).show().attr(self.POPPED, false).attr("lastChangedBy", "responsify"));
return _results;
return this.delayAlert();
setHeight: function(tabHeight) {
$("#" + this.tabCompId + " > div [id^='" + this.tabCompId + "_tab'][class*='ui-tabs-panel']").css("height", tabHeight + "px");
return $("#" + this.tabCompId + " > div [id^='" + this.tabCompId + "_tab'][class*='ui-tabs-panel']").css("overflow", "auto");
setOrientation: function(tborient) {
DEFAULT_TOP_LI_CLASSES = "ui-corner-all ui-corner-top";
$("#" + this.tabCompId).removeClass("tabs-" + this.tabOrientation + " ui-helper-clearfix");
$("#" + this.tabCompId + " li").removeClass(DEFAULT_TOP_LI_CLASSES);
this.tabOrientation = tborient;
if (this.tabOrientation !== "") {
$("#" + this.tabCompId).tabs().addClass("tabs-" + this.tabOrientation + " ui-helper-clearfix");
return $("#" + this.tabCompId + " li").addClass("ui-corner-" + tborient);
} else {
return $("#" + this.tabCompId).tabs();
setRandomization: function() {
var randomnumber;
randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.tabCount);
return $("#" + this.tabCompId).tabs("select", randomnumber);
setRotation: function(rotationDelay) {
var isMouseAtPanel, self;
self = this;
isMouseAtPanel = false;
$("#" + self.tabCompId + " > div [id^='" + self.tabCompId + "_tab'][class*='ui-tabs-panel']").hoverIntent((function() {
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs("rotate", 0, true);
return isMouseAtPanel = true;
}), function() {
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs({
fx: {
opacity: "toggle"
}).tabs("rotate", rotationDelay * 1000, true);
return isMouseAtPanel = false;
$("#" + self.tabCompId + " ul li").hoverIntent({
timeout: 300,
over: function() {
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs("rotate", 0, true);
return $("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs("select", $(this).attr(self.IDPROP));
out: function() {
if (!isMouseAtPanel) {
return $("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs({
fx: {
opacity: "toggle"
}).tabs("rotate", rotationDelay * 1000, true);
$("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs({
fx: {
opacity: "toggle"
}).tabs("rotate", rotationDelay * 1000, true);
return $("#" + self.tabCompId).tabs({
fx: {
opacity: "toggle"
select: function(event, ui) {
$(this).css("height", $(this).height());
return $(this).css("overflow", "hidden");
show: function(event, ui) {
$(this).css("height", "auto");
return $(this).css("overflow", "visible");
showPopper: function(direction) {
switch (direction) {
case this.DIR_RIGHT:
return $("#" + this.tabCompId + "_popright").show().attr(self.POPPED, false).attr("poppedDirection", direction).attr("lastChangedBy", "showPopper");
case this.DIR_LEFT:
return $("#" + this.tabCompId + "_popleft").show().attr(self.POPPED, false).attr("poppedDirection", direction).attr("lastChangedBy", "showPopper");
updateHash: function(index) {
var hash, hashes, i, linkHashIndex, p_d_l, self, _i, _len;
self = this;
linkHashIndex = -1;
hashes = self.hash.split("#");
i = 0;
for (i = _i = 0, _len = hashes.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
hash = hashes[i];
if (hash.indexOf(self.prefix) > -1) {
linkHashIndex = i;
hashes[i] = self.prefix + "_" + index;
p_d_l = parent.document.location;
if (linkHashIndex > -1) {
return p_d_l.hash = hashes.join("#");
} else {
return p_d_l.href = p_d_l.href + "#" + self.prefix + "_" + index;
updatePopper: function() {
var hasLess, hasMore, itemsinview, listitems;
listitems = this.getContentTabs();
itemsinview = this.getUnPoppedTabs(listitems);
hasMore = $(listitems).last().attr(this.IDPROP) !== $(itemsinview).last().attr(this.IDPROP);
if (hasMore) {
} else {
hasLess = $(listitems).first().attr(this.IDPROP) !== $(itemsinview).first().attr(this.IDPROP);
if (hasLess) {
} else {
return this.updateVisibleTabs();
updateVisibleTabs: function() {
var contentwidth, i, id, item, itemsinview, listitems, selected, switchdir, tab, _i, _j, _k, _len, _len1, _len2, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _results;
contentwidth = 0;
selected = this.getSelected();
listitems = this.getContentTabs();
itemsinview = this.getUnPoppedTabs(listitems);
_ref = this.getVisibleTabs();
for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
item = _ref[i];
if (i === 0) {
contentwidth += $(item).offset().left;
if ($(item).hasClass(this.POPPER_CSS_CLASS)) {
contentwidth += $(item).outerWidth(true);
_ref1 = this.getVisibleTabs();
for (i = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; i = ++_j) {
item = _ref1[i];
if (!$(item).hasClass(this.POPPER_CSS_CLASS)) {
contentwidth += $(item).outerWidth(true);
if (contentwidth >= $(item).parent().width() || contentwidth >= document.body.clientWidth) {
$(item).hide().attr(this.POPPED, true).attr("lastChangedBy", "updatePopper");
if (selected && !$(selected).is(":visible")) {
id = $(selected).attr(this.IDPROP);
if ($("#" + this.tabCompId + " li[myid='" + id + "']").index() > $(itemsinview).last().index()) {
switchdir = this.DIR_RIGHT;
if ($("#" + this.tabCompId + " li[myid='" + id + "']").index() < $(itemsinview).first().index()) {
switchdir = this.DIR_LEFT;
if ((switchdir != null ? switchdir.length : void 0) > 1) {
_ref2 = $(itemsinview);
_results = [];
for (i = _k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; i = ++_k) {
tab = _ref2[i];
if (!($("#" + this.tabCompId + " li[myid='" + id + "']").is(":visible") || $("#" + this.tabCompId + " li[myid='" + id + "']").attr(this.POPPED) === "false")) {
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
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