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Last active December 31, 2015 18:49
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define ["jquery", "mediaElement", "cq5-flowplayer"], ($, mediaelementplayer) ->
# boot up flash video
# legacy first
# proper HTML5 video and audio player using mediaelement
# be sure to set the plugin path so that when minified the flash and silverlight plugins
# are working as fallbacks, specificaly mp3 for FF.
# Youtube and vimeo component - fluid width video
init: ->
console.log "Media Players loaded using jQuery ", $.fn.jquery
enablePlaylist: true
filetypes: ["flv", "mp4"]
$("video,audio").mediaelementplayer(pluginPath: "//#{acs.assetDomain}/v2.0/cq5/components/mediaelement/build/")
videosToResize = $('.vimeoembed')
# execute immediately
bindResizeableElements : (videos) ->
Harvey.attach "screen and (min-width:753px) and (max-width:850px)",
on: -> $(window).bind("resize", @resizeVideos(videos))
off: -> $(window).unbind("resize", @resizeVideos(videos))
resizeVideos : (videos) ->
#innocent until proven guilty
needsResize = false
$(videos).each ->
$el = $(@)
# look for the iframe child and see if is too wide
if $("iframe", $el).attr("width") > $el.width()
# we will do something with this knowledge later
needsResize = true
# If it's too wide, then make it reponsive
$(".embed", $el).addClass "fluid"
# If it's not too wide, remove the fluid row
$(".embed", $el).removeClass "fluid"
if needsResize
$(".columnsBootstrap .row-fluid.balanced [class*=\"span\"]").css("min-height", "auto")
# Match height on bootstrap multicolumns
$(".columnsBootstrap").find(".row-fluid.balanced").each ->
$(@).children("[class*=\"span\"]").css("min-height", "").matchHeights()
define ["jquery", ""], ($ , media) ->
# example DOM element in youtubes[] - <div data-youtube='{"height": "250", "width": "120" , "playerID" : "uniqueID" ,"videoId" : "amLCDNYDIkk"}'> </div>
init: (youtubes) ->
console.log "Youtube loaded using jQuery", $.fn.jquery
#First, we must load the Youtube API
$.getScript ""
# This function is called after the youtube SRC is loaded
# see
window.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = ->
#iterate through every youtube data object
$(youtubes).each ->
config = $(@).data "config"
config.disableAutoStart = true if youtubes.length >1 or config.disableAutoStart?
buildPlayer config
media.resizeVideos youtubes
buildPlayer = (config) ->
console.log "building youtubePlayer -- playerID: #{config.playerID} , height:#{config.height}, width : #{config.width}, videoId : #{config.videoId}"
eventmethods = {}
eventmethods.onReady = (event) -> unless config.disableAutoStart
player = new YT.Player(config.playerID,
height: config.height
width: config.width
videoId: config.videoId
events: eventmethods
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