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Last active December 27, 2022 13:50
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Fit a univariate GEV distribution in stan
Fit a GEV distribution in stan
Code is largely based on previous code by
Cameron Bracken:
and Yenan Wu:
real gev_lpdf(vector y, real mu, real sigma, real xi) {
vector[rows(y)] z;
vector[rows(y)] lp;
int N;
N = rows(y);
for(n in 1:N){
z[n] = 1 + (y[n] - mu) * xi / sigma;
lp[n] = (1 + (1 / xi)) * log(z[n]) + pow(z[n], -1/xi);
return -sum(lp) - N * log(sigma);
data {
int<lower=0> N;
vector[N] y;
transformed data {
real min_y;
real max_y;
real sd_y;
min_y = min(y);
max_y = max(y);
sd_y = sd(y);
parameters {
real<lower=-0.5,upper=0.5> xi;
real<lower=0> sigma;
// location has upper/lower bounds depending on the value of xi
real<lower=if_else( xi > 0, min_y, negative_infinity()),
upper=if_else( xi > 0, positive_infinity(), max_y )> mu;
model {
// Priors -- these can be modified depending on your context
real xi_plus_half;
xi_plus_half = xi + 0.5;
xi_plus_half ~ beta(1, 1);
sigma ~ normal(sd_y, 10);
mu ~ normal(0, 25);
// Data Model
y ~ gev(mu, sigma, xi);
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