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Last active March 31, 2017 12:23
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Visualize the extent of sea ice over time. Based on 2010 script by Rasmus E. Benestad. Reference for data: Fetterer, F., K. Knowles, W. Meier, and M. Savoie. 2002, updated 2009. Sea Ice Index. Boulder, CO: National Snow and Ice Data Center. Digital media.
title: "Sea Ice"
html_document: default
html_notebook: default
First load up any relevant packages.
This script uses the `pacman` package to make sure any required packages are ready to go -- it's a nice tool.
if(!require(pacman)) install.packages('pacman')
pacman::p_load(jpeg, tidyverse, readr, lubridate, ggplot2, ggthemes)
Next set up the raw files
ftp1 <- "" <- ""
We're ready to read in the raw data
nisdc <- read_csv(ftp1, skip=2, col_names = c('year', 'month', 'day', 'extent', 'missing', 'source_data'),
col_types =
year = col_integer(),
month = col_integer(),
day = col_integer(),
extent = col_double(),
missing = col_double(),
source_data = col_character()
)) %>%
Did we do it?
To visualize we just need to do a couple of tricks on the data -- we need the day of year of each date
nisdc <- nisdc %>%
mutate(date = ymd(paste(year, month, day))) %>%
mutate(doy = yday(date))
Cool, now we're ready to go!
For simplicity I'll leave off the background image.
The image is definitely a little easier to see, though the background image on the old one was kind of cool too.
```{r, fig.width=8}
plt1 <- ggplot(nisdc, aes(x = doy, y = extent)) +
geom_line(data = filter(nisdc, year <= 2011), aes(group = factor(year)), color='gray') +
geom_line(data = filter(nisdc, year > 2011), aes(color = factor(year))) +
scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Accent', name = "Year") +
theme_base(base_size = 10) +
labs(x = "Day of Year", y = "Arctic Sea Ice Extent [10^6 km^2]",
title = "Arctic Sea Ice Extent: 1978--Present",
subtitle = "Adapted from Rasmus Benestad at",
caption = "Data from Years 1978-2011 depicted in gray.")
This is nice, but it would be even cooler if it was interactive.
This is possible using the `plotly` package and their super-easy `ggplot` interface
```{r, fig.width=8}
This isn't quite as customized, but it's pretty cool to be able to see the raw data for each year!
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