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Last active June 28, 2019 17:01
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Fenwick Range Tree (Binary Indexed Tree) on top of Redis
import sys
from calendar import timegm
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import redis
class DictBackend(object):
def __init__(self, maximum=None):
if not maximum:
maximum = 7
self.max = maximum
def write(self, pairs):
for ix, val in pairs:
self._tree[ix] += val
def read(self, ixs):
return [self._tree[ix] for ix in ixs]
def clear(self):
self._tree = defaultdict(int)
class RedisHashBackend(object):
def __init__(self, key, maximum=None, client=None):
if not maximum:
maximum = sys.maxint >> 1
self.max = maximum
self.key = key
if not client:
client = redis.Redis()
self.client = client
def write(self, pairs):
with self.client.pipeline() as pipe:
for ix, val in pairs:
pipe.hincrby(self.key, str(ix), val)
def read(self, ixs):
if not ixs:
return []
vals = self.client.hmget(self.key, *map(str, ixs))
return [int(v or 0) for v in vals]
def clear(self):
class BinaryIndexedTree(object):
def __init__(self, backend):
self._backend = backend
def __getitem__(self, ix):
if isinstance(ix, slice):
start = max(ix.start, ix.stop)
stop = min(ix.start, ix.stop)
return self.cumfreq(start) - self.cumfreq(stop)
return self.get(ix)
def get(self, ix):
ixs = [ix]
if ix > 0:
parent = ix & (ix - 1)
ix -= 1
while parent != ix:
ix = ix & (ix - 1)
vals =
return vals[0] - sum(vals[1:])
def cumfreq(self, ix):
ixs = []
while ix > 0:
ix = ix & (ix - 1)
return sum(
def update(self, iterable):
counts = Counter(iterable)
for ix, val in counts.iteritems():
if not 0 < ix <= self._backend.max:
raise ValueError("value %r not in range (0, %r]" % (
ix, self._backend.max))
pairs = []
while ix <= self._backend.max:
pairs.append((ix, val))
ix += ix & -ix
def clear(self):
class TimeTree(BinaryIndexedTree):
def __init__(self, backend_cls, since=None, until=None, resolution=None):
if not since:
since = datetime.min
if not until:
until = datetime.max
if not resolution:
resolution = timedelta(seconds=60)
self.resolution = resolution
self.since = since
self.until = until
self._offset = -timegm(self.since.timetuple())
maximum = self.scale(self.until)
backend = backend_cls(maximum=maximum)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(backend)
def scale(self, dt):
stamp = timegm(dt.timetuple()) + self._offset
total_secs = self.resolution.total_seconds()
stamp = int((stamp - (stamp % total_secs)) // total_secs)
return stamp + 1
def cumfreq(self, dt):
ix = self.scale(dt)
return super(self.__class__, self).cumfreq(ix)
def get(self, dt):
ix = self.scale(dt)
return super(self.__class__, self).get(ix)
def update(self, iterable):
counter = Counter(self.scale(v) for v in iterable)
super(self.__class__, self).update(dict(counter.iteritems()))
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j05u3 commented Jun 27, 2019

Looks good, sadly I am not using python in the project that needs it.

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j05u3 commented Jun 28, 2019

BTW, does anybody happen to have any implementation in Lua?

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