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Created January 29, 2012 23:49
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Brainf*** interpreter
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from collections import deque
SHIFT_RIGHT = ord('>') # increment the data pointer
SHIFT_LEFT = ord('<') # decrement the data pointer
INC = ord('+') # increment the current byte
DEC = ord('-') # decrement the current byte
WRITE = ord('.') # output the ascii char corresponding to the current byte
READ = ord(',') # read one byte of input
JUMP_FORWARD = ord('[') # jump forward to matching ] if current byte is 0
JUMP_BACKWARD = ord(']') # jump backward to matching [ if current byte is not 0
def short_to_bytes(val):
return (val / 256, val % 256)
def bytes_to_short(hi, lo):
return hi * 256 + lo
def compile(source):
bytecode = bytearray()
state = SINGLE
brackets = []
for c in source:
c = ord(c)
if c is SHIFT_RIGHT:
if state is SHIFT_RIGHT_SEQ and bytecode[-1] < 255:
bytecode[-1] += 1
bytecode.extend((SHIFT_RIGHT, 1))
elif c is SHIFT_LEFT:
if state is SHIFT_LEFT_SEQ and bytecode[-1] < 255:
bytecode[-1] += 1
bytecode.extend((SHIFT_LEFT, 1))
elif c is INC:
if state is INC_SEQ and bytecode[-1] < 255:
bytecode[-1] += 1
bytecode.extend((INC, 1))
state = INC_SEQ
elif c is DEC:
if state is DEC_SEQ and bytecode[-1] < 255:
bytecode[-1] += 1
bytecode.extend((DEC, 1))
state = DEC_SEQ
elif c is READ or c is WRITE:
state = SINGLE
elif c is JUMP_FORWARD:
bytecode.extend((JUMP_FORWARD, 0, 0))
brackets.append(len(bytecode) - 1) # -1 so that when the ip increments, it's correct
state = SINGLE
elif c is JUMP_BACKWARD:
addr = brackets.pop()
addrhi, addrlo = short_to_bytes(addr)
bytecode.extend((JUMP_BACKWARD, addrhi, addrlo))
here = short_to_bytes(len(bytecode) - 1) # -1 so that when the ip increments, it's correct
bytecode[addr-1:addr+1] = here
state = SINGLE
return bytecode
def disassemble(bytecode):
k = 0
while k < len(bytecode):
if bytecode[k] is SHIFT_RIGHT:
k += 1
print "%2d SHR %d" % (k - 1, bytecode[k])
elif bytecode[k] is SHIFT_LEFT:
k += 1
print "%2d SHL %d" % (k - 1, bytecode[k])
elif bytecode[k] is INC:
k += 1
print "%2d INC %d" % (k - 1, bytecode[k])
elif bytecode[k] is DEC:
k += 1
print "%2d DEC %d" % (k - 1, bytecode[k])
elif bytecode[k] is READ:
print "%2d READ" % k
elif bytecode[k] is WRITE:
print "%2d WRITE" % k
elif bytecode[k] is JUMP_FORWARD:
k += 2
print "%2d JMPZ %d" % (k - 2, bytes_to_short(*bytecode[k-1:k+1]) - 2)
elif bytecode[k] is JUMP_BACKWARD:
k += 2
print "%2d JMPNZ %d" % (k - 2, bytes_to_short(*bytecode[k-1:k+1]) - 2)
print "%2d WTF" % k
k += 1
def execute(bytecode):
memory = bytearray(30000)
ip = 0
dp = 0
buf = ""
while True:
if bytecode[ip] is SHIFT_RIGHT:
ip += 1
dp = (dp + bytecode[ip]) % len(memory)
elif bytecode[ip] is SHIFT_LEFT:
ip += 1
dp = (dp - bytecode[ip]) % len(memory)
elif bytecode[ip] is INC:
ip += 1
memory[dp] = (memory[dp] + bytecode[ip]) % 256
elif bytecode[ip] is DEC:
ip += 1
memory[dp] = (memory[dp] - bytecode[ip]) % 256
elif bytecode[ip] is READ:
while len(buf) == 0:
buf = deque(raw_input() + "\n")
memory[dp] = ord(buf.popleft())
except EOFError:
memory[dp] = 0xff
elif bytecode[ip] is WRITE:
elif bytecode[ip] is JUMP_FORWARD:
ip += 2
if memory[dp] == 0:
ip = bytes_to_short(*bytecode[ip-1:ip+1])
elif bytecode[ip] is JUMP_BACKWARD:
ip += 2
if memory[dp] != 0:
ip = bytes_to_short(*bytecode[ip-1:ip+1])
ip += 1
if ip == len(bytecode):
return memory
def get_program(name):
with open(name) as f:
def dump_memory(name, memory):
with open(name, "w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) > 3:
print "usage: %s <filename> [<dumpfile>]" % sys.argv[0]
filename = sys.argv[1]
source = get_program(filename)
bytecode = compile(source)
memory = execute(bytecode)
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
dump_memory(sys.argv[2], memory)
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